• 春运前三天客流同比大幅下降

    21-02-01 在国家就地过年政策的作用下,今年铁路春运客流总体大幅下降。 The number of railway passenger trips took a nosedive in the first three days of the Spring Festival travel season amid stringent epidemic control measures, data from the national railway op...

  • 日本试用新干线运送海鲜

    20-08-27 Since the number of passengers on the Shinkansen has dropped significantly due to the new coronavirus, JR East has begun an experiment to transport fresh seafood from Miyagi prefecture to Tokyo for the first time using the seats on the Shinkansen....

  • 厄瓜多尔发生重大车祸 24人死亡

    18-08-15 A bus carrying travelers from Colombia and Venezuela crashed in Ecuador early Tuesday, killing 24 people and injuring 22 others, according to the Quito Fire Department. 厄瓜多尔一辆载着哥伦比亚和委内瑞拉旅客的巴士周二早上发生车祸,造成24人死亡、22人...

  • 海南大雾滞留旅客10万名

    18-02-22 A heavy fog has disrupted ferry services on the Qiongzhou Strait in south China, stranding over 100,000 passengers and more than 10,000 cars in Hainan island, local authorities said Wednesday, the last day of Spring Festival holiday. 海南省政府周三...

  • 中国允许飞机起飞时使用手机

    18-01-18 China Eastern and Hainan airlines will allow passengers to use their smartphones on planes from today -- but not to make actual phone calls. 从今天起中国东方航空和海南航空两家公司将运行乘客在飞机起飞时使用手机但是不能打电话。 The two airlines announ...

  • 杭州出租车上出现迷你“便利店”

    18-01-18 From January 10, 2018, passengers in Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang Province, can shop in some of the citys taxis, Qianjiang Evening News reported. 《钱江晚报》报道,从2018年1月10日开始,杭州的乘客可以在部分出租车上购物。 A Beijing-based retail compa...

  • 京沪复兴号运行首月载客46万人

    17-10-22 The new high-speed trains, Fuxing, carried 460,000 passengers between Beijing and Shanghai in their first full month of operations at maximum speed, Beijing railway bureau said Saturday. 北京铁路局周六表示,从北京发至上海的复兴号新式高铁全速运行首月...