• 埃及议会选举进入第二轮投票

    11-12-15 Egyptians are going to the polls in the second round of elections to a new parliament - the first since President Hosni Mubarak was toppled in February. 埃及民众将进行议会选举第二轮投票,这是自今年二月份总统穆巴拉克政权被推翻之后举行的首次选举。 Vot...

  • 希腊议会通过财政紧缩政策

    11-10-21 The Greek parliament has given its final approval to the latest package of austerity measures. 希腊议会就最新的财政紧缩措施做出了最后批准。 All but one of the deputies from the ruling Pasok party voted in favour of the law. The approval comes despit...

  • 波兰首位公开变性人当选议员

    11-10-15 波兰首位公开身份的变性人近期在下议院选举中获得19541张支持票,顺利当选为议员。据悉,这位新当选议员之前的生理性别为男性,去年做的变性手术;她追随民主左翼联盟多年,还参与积极以支持同性恋权益、堕胎以及软性毒品合法化著称的帕立科运动。 Anna Grodzka has be...

  • 希腊新紧缩措施引发工人罢工

    11-06-15 Workers in Greece are due to stage a general strike, as the parliament meets to debate new austerity measures. 希腊议会正在讨论实行新的紧缩措施,此举导致工人将举行一场大罢工。 Greece is struggling with the terms of its bail-out package Demonstrators...

  • 日本首相夫人直言下辈子不会再嫁菅直人

    11-01-16 Japan's outspoken first lady said Wednesday she would not marry Premier Naoto Kan again in another life, in a display of tough love to a husband already battling political rivals and low support ratings. 言辞犀利的日本首相夫人菅伸子本周三称,如果有...

  • 茱莉亚·吉拉德宣誓就职澳大利亚总理

    10-09-14 Australia's Prime Minister Julia Gillard has been sworn into office, making her the first woman elected to the post in the nation's history. 澳大利亚总理茱莉亚吉拉德已宣誓就职,是该国历史上第一位通过竞选产生的女首相。 Ms Gillard heads a minority gov...

  • 伊拉克新议会成立

    10-06-15 A new parliament has convened in Iraq, more than three months after inconclusive elections. 在经历三个多月非决定性竞选之后,伊拉克宣告组建新议会。 The acting speaker declared the parliament open but suspended it indefinitely But there is no sign yet...

  • 索马里反叛者袭击议会

    10-05-17 Islamist rebels attacked Somalia's parliament as it met for the first time this year, in clashes which led to the deaths of at least 11 people. 伊斯兰教反叛者袭击了索马里议会,此次冲突造成至少11人死亡。 Rebels fired mortars from a market and AU peac...

  • 泰国总理与红衫运动代表展开磋商

    10-03-29 Face-to-face talks between the Thai PM and protesters who want his resignation and new elections have been adjourned, with a new round due on Monday. 泰国总理与要求其下台并重新选举的红衫运动反对者代表之间新一轮的面对面会谈已被推迟至星期一。 A spokes...

  • 苏丹各政党达成国会席位分配协议

    10-02-27 The main parties in north and south Sudan have reached a deal on the distribution of seats in parliament, ending a long deadlock. 苏丹南北方主要党派就国会中各自席位的分配达成一致协议,结束了一段漫长的僵局。 Sudanese are gearing up for their first re...