• Work: A Story of Experience - Chapter 17

    21-01-24 TEN years earlier Christie made her dbut as an Amazon, now she had a braver part to play on a larger stage, with a nation for audience, martial music and the boom of cannon for orchestra; the glare of battle-fields was the red light; danger, disease...

  • 奥地利近日推出世界第一款卫生纸邮票

    20-10-31 If 2020 could take the form of an object, it would surely be toilet paper. 如果用一个实物来代表2020年,那一定是厕纸。 Not only has this year been crappy, but reports of people hoarding toilet paper in large quantities during the coronavirus pandemic...

  • 为什么信笺纸是黄色的?

    20-09-19 The legal pad got its start with Thomas Holley in 1888. Holley was 24 and working at a paper mill in Holyoke, Massachusetts. Every day, he and his co-workers threw out a lot of scrap pieces, called sortings, left over from cutting paper into the rig...

  • 聪明人知道何时应该打破规则

    20-09-18 When I was in high school our physics teacher gave us a challenge that involved making a paper air plane of any shape. 当我还在上高中的时候,我们物理老师布置了一项挑战:用一张纸做一架飞机,形状随意。 The only objective was to get it to fly as far as...

  • 《江苏老行当百业写真》获评2019世界最美的书

    19-02-14 A Chinese publishing company used food wrapping paper to make a book, recently won the 2019 Best Book Design from all over the World competition held in Leipzig, Germany. 中国一家出版社用食物包装纸做了一本书,这本书最近在德国莱比锡获评2019世界最美的...

  • 中国将淘汰纸火车票

    18-12-26 Paper railway tickets set to become a thing of the past in China, with e-tickets set to become the standard, reports Tencent News. 腾讯新闻报道,纸火车票将成为过去,电子车票将成标准。 Shan Xinghua, director of technology with 12306 China Railway, pa...

  • 中国发布《中国与世界贸易组织》白皮书

    18-06-28 China released a white paper China and the World Trade Organization on Thursday to outline the countrys achievements in the World Trade Organization over the past 17 years and underline trade and multilateralism. 本周四,中国发布《中国与世界贸易组织...

  • 烘手器比纸巾更不卫生

    18-04-30 If youre a germophobe who wants to use a public bathroom ever again, you might want to stop reading this. 如果你有洁癖,而且平时需要使用公共卫生间,可能这篇文章你根本读不下去。 Because it turns out, while bathroom hand dryers can be more environment...

  • 具有自我修复功能的新型材料

    17-04-15 Soon, your phones cracked screen may have its own healing factor. 在不久的将来,摔碎的手机屏幕或将能够自我修复。 Scientists from the Department of Chemistry at the University of California, Riverside have developed a self-healing material that has p...

  • 哈尔滨将禁止焚烧纸钱

    17-03-24 The paper, also known as ghost money, is set alight during funerals and other ceremonies, and is intended to symbolize currency for the deceased person in the afterlife. But the municipal government of Harbin, capital of Heilongjiang province, said...