• 可以重复打印的纸张

    17-02-09 Researchers from Shandong University in east China and the University of California, Riverside in the US have created paper which can stand to be re-printed on scores of times, reported the Daily Mail in the UK. 英国《每日邮报》报道,中国山东大学和...

  • 东京机场厕所配备手机消毒“厕纸”

    16-12-30 Dont forget to wipe before you swipe the next time you are at Tokyos Narita International Airport. 下次到东京成田国际机场的时候,不要忘记在滑手机之前把它擦干净。 Toilets at the airport have been equipped with toilet paper that you can use to disinfe...

  • Bar, Bar, Bar...Bar, Barbara Ann

    16-06-21 This man was sitting quietly reading his paper one morning, peacefully enjoying himself, when his wife sneaks up behind him and whacks him on the back of his head with a huge frying pan. MAN: What was that for? WIFE: What was that piece of paper in...

  • 六成中国人通过手机看书

    16-04-19 The page has turned for paper books, as cell phones have become the favored way to read media in China, according to findings of a national survey released on Tuesday. 本周二发布的一份全国调查显示,纸质书的时代已经过去,在中国手机已经成为人们阅读媒...

  • 办公室用品词汇

    16-04-06 all-in-one printing machine 印刷一体机 attendance access system 门禁设备 business PC 商用电脑 home-use PC 家用电脑 laptop 笔记本电脑 PDA 掌上电脑 server 服务器 office paper 办公用纸 toner cartridge 硒鼓 jet cartridge 墨粉 ink cartridge 墨盒 ribbon...

  • 玩“石头、剪刀、布”时想取胜要多出“布”

    16-03-26 Many people formulate a strategy for the game rock, paper, scissors, which they believe is sure to beat the competition. 玩石头、剪刀、布的时候,许多人都有一套自己的策略,他们相信那就是自己制胜的诀窍。 But a new study reveals players actually dont s...

  • 露天咖啡座常用词

    16-02-14 chair 椅子 paper cup 纸杯 ashtray 烟灰缸 muffin 松饼 cinnamon roll 肉桂卷 stirrer 搅拌棒 top 杯盖 chocolate 巧克力 menu 菜单 brown sugar 黄糖 napkin 餐巾 cream 泡沫 umbrella 伞 cup 杯子 saucer 杯垫 packet of sugar 糖包 table 桌子 white sugar 白糖...

  • 厕纸卷悬挂方式的争论可以停止了

    16-02-12 In any given household, wars between spouses, families and roommates are waged on a variety of different fronts. Who does the dishes tonight? Who will take out the trash? How could Steve have left the toilet seat up...again? And seriously, who finis...

  • 戒掉手机的10个小妙招

    15-10-18 1. Get a dumb watch. The average smartphone owner consults his device an astonishing 195 times per day. Nip the knee-jerk habit at the source and strap on a good old-fashioned watch. Definitely not a smart one, preferably a mechanical one. 2. Pick u...

  • paper-centric 唯论文论

    15-09-24 From now on, the evaluation of professional titles for scientific and research personnel in Guangdong will no longer be paper-centric but featuring more variety to apply. 今后,广东省科技人员参加职称评定将有更多可能性,不再唯论文论。 《意见》中规定...