• 国际奥委会高度赞扬北京疫情防控工作

    22-02-22 疫情防控是北京冬奥会成功的关键。国际奥委会对北京冬奥会的疫情防控工作高度赞赏,认为防控措施行之有效。国际奥委会新闻发言人马克亚当斯表示,我们正在非常成功地举办世界上最复杂的国际比赛或活动之一。我要向我们的中国朋友和同事们致敬,他们做得真的非常棒。 Th...

  • 汉语盘点2021年度字词揭晓

    21-12-31 12月20日,国家语言资源监测与研究中心、商务印书馆、光明网、腾讯公司联合主办的汉语盘点2021揭晓仪式在北京举行。 治建党百年疫元宇宙分别当选年度国内字、国内词、国际字、国际词。 年度国内字:治 governance 小事治事、大事治制,推进国家治理能力现代化(the mod...

  • 《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》三天空降北美年度票房冠军

    21-12-22 漫威超级英雄巨制《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》北美首周末票房2.53亿美元(约合人民币16亿元),仅用三天便空降北美年度票房冠军。该片不仅成为新冠疫情时代北美首周末票房最高的影片,还因三代蜘蛛侠同框的多元宇宙设定,引发舆论热潮。 Spider-Man: No Way Home racked up a...

  • 班克西画作《局势改变者》拍出1675万英镑

    21-03-25 英国知名涂鸦艺术家班克西的新作《局势改变者》日前在伦敦拍出了1675万英镑的高价,创下班克西画作拍卖纪录。这幅简单真挚的黑白画作是疫情初期班克西捐给南安普顿大学医院的,表达了对医护人员的感谢。 A painting by the artist Banksy honoring UK healthcare worke...

  • 习近平2021年新年贺词

    21-01-02 大家好! Comrades, friends, ladies and gentlemen, greetings to you all! 2021年的脚步越来越近,我在北京向大家致以新年的美好祝福! The year 2021 is arriving. From Chinas capital Beijing, I extend my New Year wishes to you all! 2020年是极不平凡的一年。...

  • 韦氏词典和词典网2020年度词汇 pandemic

    20-12-03 For the first time, two US dictionary companies on Monday declared the same word their word of the year: pandemic. 本周一(11月30日),两家美国词典公司宣布了同一个年度词汇大流行病,这还是有史以来首次。 The challenges of 2020, Oxford Languages said,...

  • 美国超百万儿童感染新冠病毒

    20-11-20 Over a million children under 18 have been diagnosed with Covid-19 in the United States since the start of the pandemic, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Childrens Hospital Association said Monday. 美国儿科学会和儿童医院协会11月16日表示,...

  • 《时代》:“美国式失败”

    20-09-14 Time magazines latest cover will mark an approaching milestone in the coronavirus pandemic -- 200,000 related deaths in the US -- with the headline An American Failure and an illustration within a black border for only the second time in its history...

  • 艾滋病起源于金沙萨

    14-10-05 The HIV pandemic with us today is almost certain to have begun its global spread from Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), according to a new study. An international team, led by Oxford University and University of Le...

  • 今年可能爆发第三波甲型H1N1流感

    10-10-19 Analysis of H1N1 antibody levels (seroprotection rates) after the 2009 pandemic suggest that a third wave is unlikely in 2010, although adults over age 50, particularly those with chronic(慢性的,长期的) conditions, should be immunized for the fal...