• 细胞分裂与自身含氧量有关

    11-06-12 Cells grow abundant when oxygen is available, and generally stop when it is scarce. Although this seems straightforward(简单的,坦率的) , no direct link ever has been established between the cellular machinery that senses oxygen and that which con...

  • 水蜘蛛如何在水下呼吸

    11-06-10 Gazing into the depths of a pond, it's hard to miss the insects that whirl and zip beneath the surface. However, only one species of spider has joined them: the diving bell spider, Argyroneta aquatica(水蜘蛛) . 'It is an iconic animal; I had read...

  • 史前海洋存在缺氧的“死亡区”

    11-01-06 The oceans became oxygen-rich as they are today about 600 million years ago, during Earth's Late Ediacaran Period. Before that, most scientists believed until recently, the ancient oceans were relatively oxygen-poor for the preceding(在前的) four...

  • 5.5亿年前地球氧气含量迅速增加

    10-12-20 Researchers funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) at the University of Oxford have uncovered a clue that may help to explain why the earliest evidence of complex multicellular animal life appears around 550 mil...

  • 陨星研究发现未知天体

    10-12-16 Scientists from all over the world are taking a second, more expansive, look at the car-sized asteroid(小行星) that exploded over Sudan's Nubian Desert in 2008. Initial research was focused on classifying the meteorite(陨星,流星) fragments that...

  • 俄教授研制出抗衰老药

    10-09-30 俄罗斯莫斯科的一位生物能量学教授近日宣布,他已研制出一种能够有效延缓衰老的不老药,并有望于几年内上架销售,这位科学家用40年的时间研制出一种抗氧化剂,能够有效抑制氧分子对人体的有害影响。 A Russian scientist claims to have discovered an anti- oxidant(...

  • 高海拔山区居民生存 DNA或为关键

    10-05-14 The ability of Tibetans to live on the roof of the world may be down to their DNA, US researchers say. 美国研究人员称,西藏人能够生活在世界屋脊之上可能由于他们的DNA所致。 Tibetans function normally at high altitude University of Utah researchers fou...

  • 地中海海底发现厌氧生物

    10-04-09 Deep under the Mediterranean Sea small animals have been discovered that live their entire lives without oxygen and surrounded by 'poisonous' sulphides(硫化物) . Researchers writing in the open access(开架阅览) journal BMC Biology report the exi...

  • 新冷却法揭开某主要酶的作用

    10-02-28 A team of Michigan State University scientists using a new cooling method they created have uncovered the inner workings of a key iron-containing enzyme(酶) , a discovery that could help researchers develop new medicines or understand how enzymes...

  • 科学家揭开光合作用的秘密

    10-02-20 An international team of scientists, including two from Arizona State University, have taken a significant step closer to unlocking the secrets of photosynthesis(光合作用) , and possibly to cleaner fuels. Plants and algae(海藻) , as well as cyan...