• 猪死亡后脏器恢复生机

    22-11-28 美国研究人员表示,猪在死亡一小时后,其器官又恢复了生机,这是一项有望改变医学的突破。 The technology is based around a synthetic fluid. It uses artificial blood to carry oxygen and prevent clots forming. And it contains 13 chemicals to support the bo...

  • 用动物氧气面罩从大火中救出猫咪

    22-11-28 一只从大火中救出的猫成为伦敦第一只使用特制动物氧气面罩的宠物。消防人员扑灭了大火,救出了两只猫,并给其中一只戴上了氧气面罩。 London Fire Brigade say human lives are always the priority, but that owners will often put themselves in danger to save the...

  • 植物枯萎背后的机制被发现

    16-04-22 A research team led by Associate Professor Miyake Chikahiro and PhD student Takagi Daisuke from the Kobe University Graduate School of Agricultural Science have reproduced the reaction in which harmful reactive oxygen species are created during plan...

  • 植物如何在低氧的环境中进行光合作用

    16-02-28 During the daytime, plants convert the Sun's energy into sugars using photosynthesis, a complex, multi-stage biochemical process. New work from a team including Carnegie's Mark Heinnickel, Wenqiang Yang, and Arthur Grossman identified a protein need...

  • 利用空气的氧化能力

    16-01-29 Researchers report the catalysis of a highly specific chemical reaction where oxygen from the air is one ingredient and the other, an organic molecule, is selectively oxidised. A simple manganese compound catalyses this reaction. This type of method...

  • 氧气含量的细微变化导致生命的出现

    15-07-24 If oxygen was a driver of the early evolution of animals, only a slight bump in oxygen levels facilitated it, according to a multi-institutional research team that includes a Virginia Tech geoscientist. The discovery, published Wednesday in the jour...

  • oxygen bar 氧吧

    15-07-21 An outdoor air purification system, an oxygen bar designed in the form of a bus shelter, has been installed at Tsinghua University in Beijing on July 4, 2015. 一个类似公交候车亭的户外空气净化系统氧吧于7月4日落户清华大学。 类似公交候车亭(bus shelter...

  • 未来外星生命搜索指导方针

    14-09-16 Astronomers searching the atmospheres of alien worlds for gases that might be produced by life can't rely on the detection of just one type, such as oxygen, ozone, or methane, because in some cases these gases can be produced non-biologically, accor...

  • 北太平洋热带缺氧区面积将缩减

    14-08-09 A commonly held belief that global warming will diminish(减少) oxygen concentrations in the ocean looks like it may not be entirely true. According to new research published in Science magazine, just the opposite is likely the case in the northern...