• 塑料垃圾影响海洋生态系统

    14-02-26 Scientists are revealing how microbes living on floating pieces of plastic marine debris affect the ocean ecosystem, and the potential harm they pose to invertebrates(无脊椎动物) , humans and other animals. New research being presented here today...

  • 科学家尝试在太空中数鲸鱼

    14-02-13 Scientists have demonstrated a new method for counting whales from space. 科学家展示了一种从太空中计算鲸鱼数量的新方法。 It uses very high-resolution satellite pictures and image-processing software to automatically detect the great mammals at or ne...

  • 三文鱼洄游受地球磁场影响

    14-02-08 A team of scientists last year presented evidence of a correlation between the migration patterns of ocean salmon and Earth's magnetic field, suggesting it may help explain how the fish can navigate across thousands of miles of water to find their r...

  • 海洋中鱼类数量超过预期值10倍

    14-02-08 With a stock estimated at 1,000 million tons so far, mesopelagic(海洋中层的) fish dominate the total biomass of fish in the ocean. However, a team of researchers with the participation of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) has found that...

  • 海洋地壳能储存大量CO2

    13-12-06 Researchers from the University of Southampton have identified regions beneath the oceans where the igneous rocks(火成岩) of the upper ocean crust could safely store very large volumes of carbon dioxide. The burning of fossil fuels such as coal, o...

  • 2050年新泽西海面将上涨1.5英尺

    13-12-06 Geoscientists at Rutgers and Tufts universities estimate that the New Jersey shore will likely experience a sea-level rise of about 1.5 feet by 2050 and of about 3.5 feet by 2100 -- 11 to 15 inches higher than the average for sea-level rise globally...

  • 本世纪末海洋酸度将增加170%

    13-11-14 In a major new international report, experts conclude that the acidity of the world's ocean may increase by around 170% by the end of the century bringing significant economic losses. People who rely on the ocean's ecosystem services -- often in dev...

  • 海洋吸收了地球部分多余热量

    13-11-01 A recent slowdown in global warming has led some skeptics to renew their claims that industrial carbon emissions are not causing a century-long rise in Earth's surface temperatures. But rather than letting humans off the hook(摆脱困境) , a new stu...

  • 鳄鱼在恐龙时代如何能生存繁盛

    13-09-11 New research has revealed the hidden past of crocodiles, showing for the first time how these fierce reptiles evolved and survived in a dinosaur dominated world. While most modern crocodiles live in freshwater habitats and feed on mammals and fish,...

  • 水中如何追踪鱼群

    13-08-24 How do you track a fish? There's no Google Maps for finding fish. The radio signals that are the backbone of traditional GPS cannot pass through seawater. But sound travels remarkably well, so scientists often use acoustic telemetry(声波遥测) to e...