• 海水表面温度达近150年来最高

    13-04-27 Sea surface temperatures in the Northeast Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem during 2012 were the highest recorded in 150 years, according to the latest Ecosystem Advisory issued by NOAA's Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC). These high sea surface...

  • 地幔运动同样面临拥堵状况

    13-04-02 Earth is dynamic. What we perceive as solid ground beneath our feet, is in reality constantly changing. In the space of a year Africa and America are drifting apart at the back of the Middle Atlantic for some centimeters while the floor of the Pacif...

  • 海洋最深处遍布微生物

    13-03-18 The deepest place in the ocean is teeming with microscopic life, a study suggests. 研究发现,海洋中最深处充满了微生物。 An international team of scientists found that the very bottom of the Mariana Trench, which lies almost 11km down in the Pacific...

  • 英国科学家发现最深海底热泉

    13-02-21 British scientists exploring the ocean floor in the Caribbean have discovered an astounding set of hydrothermal vents, the deepest anywhere in the world. 探测加勒比海海底的英国科学家发现了一处令人惊异的深海热泉,这是世界上最深的热泉。 Deploying a re...

  • 俄水上火箭发射失败

    13-02-01 A Russian rocket carrying a US-made communications satellite has plunged into the Pacific Ocean shortly after its launch, Russian media report. 俄罗斯一枚载有美制通信卫星的火箭发射后不久掉落在太平洋。 The Zenit-3SL rocket was launched from a floatin...

  • 至少1/3的海洋生物未被发现

    12-11-16 At least one-third of the species that inhabit the world's oceans may remain completely unknown to science. That's despite the fact that more species have been described in the last decade than in any previous one, according to a report published on...

  • 海洋微生物对气候变化有大影响

    12-10-26 In the future, warmer waters could significantly change ocean distribution of populations of phytoplankton(浮游植物) , tiny organisms that could have a major effect on climate change. Reporting in this week's online journal Science Express, resear...

  • 印度洋板块正在分裂

    12-09-27 The sequence of huge earthquakes that struck off the coast of Sumatra in April may signal the creation of a new tectonic plate boundary. 四月份苏门答腊岛海岸发生的大地震可能预示着新地壳构造板块的形成。 Scientists give the assessment in this week's N...

  • 太平洋生态系统在2100年将有重大变化

    12-09-25 What if you woke up every day to find that the closest grocery store had moved several miles farther away from your home? Over time, you would have to travel hundreds of extra miles to find essential food for yourself and your family. This is potent...

  • 海水温度变暖将促使南极冰雪发生大转变

    12-09-20 Fast-flowing and narrow glaciers have the potential to trigger massive changes in the Antarctic ice sheet and contribute to rapid ice-sheet decay and sea-level rise, a new study has found. Research results published in the journal Proceedings of the...