• nut 坚果,螺母,傻瓜,对…入迷的人

    22-02-16 nut的本意是坚果;螺母;疯子;傻瓜,也形容对入迷的人。 James is a tennis nut - he plays every day. 詹姆斯是个网球迷他每天都打网球。 grid是系统网络(指输电网等),off-the-grid的意思就是: 1不和主电网接通的; 2(电、水等)公共设施接通,自备电力的水源的 W...

  • a tough(or hard) nut to crack 一个难以对付或难理解的人

    21-08-23 当我们碰到难题时可以说 a tough(or hard) nut to crack 特别难打开的坚果。这个表达也能用来形容一个难以对付或难理解的人。 例句 My new boss is a tough nut to crack. I never know if hes pleased with my work. How can we increase sales during a recession? T...

  • 懒骨头、硬骨头、软骨头

    20-10-10 懒骨头是指懒惰的人,可以翻译为lazybones;硬骨头比喻坚强不屈的人,或艰巨的任务,与英文俗语hard nut意思相近;其反义词就是软骨头,表示coward,spineless person。 例句: 我们抓到的那个间谍是个硬骨头,自从我们开始审讯以来,他一句话也没说。 The spy we capt...

  • 日常生活中常见的各类干果

    16-06-27 腰果 cashew nuts 花生 peanut 无花果 fig 榛子 hazelnut 栗子 chestnut 核桃 walnut 杏仁 almond 果脯 preserved fruit 葡萄干 raisin 开心果 pistachion 巴西果 brazil nut 菱角,荸荠water chestnut...

  • The Death of the Little Hen

    13-11-18 Once upon a time the little hen went with the little cock to the nut-hill, and they agreed together that whichsoever of them found a kernel(麦粒) of a nut should share it with the other. Then the hen found a large, large nut, but said nothing abou...

  • 猴子会巧用工具外形

    13-02-28 Bearded capuchin monkeys deliberately place palm nuts in a stable position on a surface before trying to crack them open, revealing their capacity to use tactile information to improve tool use. The results are published February 27 in the open acce...

  • I Want Her to go Nuts 我要让她发疯

    09-09-29 I Want Her to go Nuts Mrs. Flinders decided to have her portrait painted. She told the artist, Paint me with diamond earrings, a diamond necklace, emerald bracelets and a ruby pendant. But you're not wearing any of those things. I know, said Mrs. Fl...
