• Dime novel 廉价小说

    22-10-13 有人喜欢看传记,有人喜欢看武侠,也有人喜欢看言情。说到读书,每个人的口味都不同。所以,就算是粗制滥造的作品,也是有人看的。 Dime novel is a term to describe any quickly written, lurid potboiler and as such is generally used as a pejorative to describ...

  • 9月精彩新片

    22-08-29 Blonde《金发梦露》 Blonde is one of the years most hotly anticipated films and as one of its most controversial. Based on the novel by Joyce Carol Oates, its a sprawling biopic of Marilyn Monroe (Ana de Armas), but it mixes fact and fiction. Its dir...