• 亚马逊2015年畅销书单

    16-03-02 The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins tops Amazon's list of best-selling books of 2015.Hawkins' debut thriller was also the best-selling Kindle book and the most wished for book on the site. E.L.James Grey E.L...

  • BBC:最经久不衰的10部小说

    16-02-15 10. Vanity Fair (William Makepeace Thackeray, 1848) This novel features probably the greatest anti-heroine in English literature, Becky Sharp, and a plot that revolves around class, social climbing and a financial crisis that will seem eerily famili...

  • 《华盛顿邮报》2015年度十大好书 下

    16-02-15 Future Crimes: Everything Is Connected, Everyone Is Vulnerable, and What We Can Do About It BY MARC GOODMAN Welcome to the brave new world of criminal technology, where robbers have been replaced by hackers and victims include all of us on the Web....

  • 《战争与和平》电视剧已在BBC开播

    16-01-09 With its mix of romance and drama charted over 1,300 pages, War and Peace is known for being a long and demanding novel to read. 长篇浪漫小说《战争与和平》全书1300多页,素以篇幅长、阅读难度大而闻名。 But despite a TV adaptation of the book aired on...

  • Dime novel 廉价作品

    15-12-28 Dime novel is a term to describe any quickly written, lurid potboiler and as such is generally used as a pejorative to describe a sensationalized yet superficial piece of inexpensive written work. Dime novel指那些快速写成、内容艳俗、粗制滥造的书籍作...

  • 值得珍藏的英文小说 下

    15-11-04 The Lovely Bones By Alice Sebold; 400 pages Because Susie made us trust -- and cry for -- a ghost. In Sebold's first novel, The Lovely Bones, she has crafted a gripping tale of tragedy. Part detective story, part family drama, part meditation on wha...

  • 《无人生还》获评阿加莎最受欢迎的小说

    15-09-15 Murder mystery And Then There Were None has been named the world's favorite Agatha Christie novel in a poll. 在一次民意调查中,谋杀悬疑小说《无人生还》被评为阿加莎克里斯蒂在全球范围内最受欢迎的小说。 The 1939 thriller received 21% of the votes, with...

  • 《三体》获2015雨果奖最佳小说奖

    15-08-26 Chinese writer Liu Cixin's sci-fi novel-The Three-body Problem has won the 2015 Hugo Award for Best Novel. 中国作家刘慈欣的科幻小说《三体》获2015雨果奖年度最佳小说奖。 Liu Cixin became the first Asian writer to win the award. The Three-body Problem...

  • 曾被搬上银幕的十大畅销书 下

    15-05-02 6: ANGELS AND DEMONS (2000) Angels and Demons is a 2000 best-selling mystery-thriller novel written by Dan Brown. Robert Langdon discovered a brotherhood called Illuminati. This anti-Christ underground movement creates a viral frenzy in the Vatican...

  • 曾被搬上银幕的十大畅销书 上

    15-05-02 When asked about how many books have been published throughout history, no expert can give a definite answer for this question. True enough to say that to be included in the list of popular books is a priceless honor and of course a transitory blaze...