• 越来越多的离婚案件与社交网站有关

    10-12-05 It used to be the tell-tale lipstick on the collar. Then there were the give-away texts that spelled the death knell for many marriages. 过去,妻子可能从衣领的唇印发现丈夫出轨。后来,泄密短信也成为诸多婚姻解体的导火索。 But now one in five divorces...

  • 社交网络对孩子的隐私保护不利

    10-10-17 When it comes to protecting the privacy of their children, US parents give social networks a failing grade. 在保护孩子的隐私方面,美国父母认为社交网络做得不合格。 Three out of four parents polled by Zogby International believe social networks are no...

  • 自恋、自卑者更喜欢泡社交网站

    10-09-11 Using Facebook is the online equivalent of staring at yourself in the mirror, according to a study. 最新研究表明,使用Facebook社交网站就如同在镜前自我欣赏。 Those who spent more time updating their profile on the social networking site were more lik...
