• go right to the heart of a matter 一针见血

    21-03-13 一针见血,汉语成语,字面意思是一针刺下去就见到血(let blood with a single prick of the needle)。比喻文章、说话直截了当,切中要害。可以翻译为go right to the heart of a matter,hit the nail on the head。 例句: 你最后的意见真是一针见血。 The last obs...

  • Darning Needle

    13-01-17 There was once a Darning-needle who thought herself so fine that she believed she was an embroidery(刺绣) -needle. 'Take great care to hold me tight!' said the Darning-needle to the Fingers who were holding her. 'Don't let me fall! If I once fall...

  • 巴西被针刺幼童接受第二次手术

    09-12-24 A two-year-old Brazilian boy has undergone a second operation to remove sewing needles pushed into his body by his stepfather. 一名两岁的巴西幼童被其继父刺入体内数十根缝衣针,日前他正接受第二次手术以移除这些缝衣针。 X-rays showed some 30 sewing need...

  • 巴西“针刺门”继父“试图用针杀死”继子

    09-12-22 The Brazilian man who pushed dozens of sewing needles into his two-year-old stepson says he wanted to kill him to spite his wife, say media reports. 巴西媒体报道,将数十根缝衣针刺入两岁继子体内的巴西男子称,他意图杀死孩子以报复他的妻子。 The boy was...

  • 巴西遭针刺幼童被空运至急诊外科

    09-12-18 A Brazilian toddler found with 42 sewing needles inside him has been airlifted for emergency surgery. 一名体内被刺42根手缝针的巴西幼童被空运至医院急诊外科。 Doctors have rushed him to a specialist cardiac心脏的 unit in Salvador after discovering two...

  • 一巴西幼童体内发现40枚手缝针

    09-12-17 A Brazilian toddler has up to 40 sewing needles inside him, which police say were deliberately inserted by his stepfather in a black magic ritual. 一名巴西幼童体内存有多达40枚手缝针,警方称这些针是他继父在一个巫术仪式上故意插入他体内。 X-rays showed...
