• 墨尔本城中树木拥有专属邮箱地址

    15-07-24 A project established for the public to report issues with trees in their local council has taken a curious turn, after every tree in the city was given its own email address. The Urban Forest Strategy in Melbourne began in 2013, with the intention...

  • Letter to a Young Friend

    14-12-10 Letter to a Young Friend Benjamin Franklin My dear friend I know of no Medicine fit to diminish the violent natural inclination you mention; and if I did, I think I should not communicate it to you. Marriage is the proper Remedy. It is the most natu...

  • 11个食品标签常见词

    14-01-14 IMITATION 一种食品看上去像另一种食品,但是原料却不相同,那么这就是一个仿造品,是吗?这是不准确的。如果该食品比被模仿的食品的蛋白质或其他一些营养成分低,那么它只能被贴上仿造品的标签。 FREE 食物上脱脂、无糖或者无盐的字样,并不意味着食物中完全没有这些...

  • 人类对自然资源的需求超出地球承载

    10-10-23 Human demands on natural resources have doubled in under 50 years and are now outstripping what the Earth can provide by more than half, a new report has warned. 一份新报告警告称,人类对自然资源的需求量在不到50年内翻了一番,目前已超出地球供应能力的...

  • 椿象驱逐剂即将问世

    10-10-11 Help may be on the way for millions of people on the East Coast bugged out about the invasion of stink bugs(椿象) . Scientists have reported a key advance in efforts to develop the first commercial repellent(防护剂) for stinkbugs, which are emer...

  • 针灸美容在日本再掀新潮流

    10-05-30 Forget cosmetic surgery. The ancient treatment of acupuncture is gaining new popularity as a beauty secret in Japan about 1,500 years after it first came there from China. 别再想着去整容了!约1500年前由中国传入日本的古代针灸疗法目前作为一种美容秘诀...

  • Plant happiness

    10-04-26 Step one: Plant yourself deep in a bed of faith, and pack it down solid and tight. Drench(浸润,湿透) daily with positive thinking, and keep saturated(饱和的) just right. Mulch(覆盖) often with forgivenss, for this will help you grow. Quickly...

  • Gately 'died of natural causes' 歌手Gately“死于自然原因”

    09-10-14 Boyzone singer Stephen Gately died of natural causes, a post-mortem examination in Spain has established. 西班牙尸检结果认定,男孩地带歌手Stephen Gately死于自然原因。 Gately had been writing a book and planning a new Boyzone album An official said h...

  • Somewhere only you know 属于你的温柔乡

    09-09-29 无论你在哪儿找到了这样一个特别的地方,记住要拥有一个,并且要经常去看看,让它如圣地般生机盎然。这样的地方让我们更接近我们的伙伴,家人,还有朋友。在生活繁忙,感情紧张的时候,这样一个特别的地方能帮我们增加感情。一同就寝能给你安定,偷偷地去一次私密酒店...

  • Herbs 'can be natural pesticides' 草本植物“可作为天然杀虫剂

    09-08-18 Common herbs and spices show promise as an environmentally-friendly alternative to conventional pesticides, scientists have told a major US conference. 科学家告诉美国一家主要媒体,常见的草本植物和香味料可以作为传统杀虫剂的环境友好型的替代品。 Common...