• 给公司或产品起名字的艺术

    21-03-03 When the weathers hot, do you enjoy a glass of Brads Drink while watching your TV made by Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering, and surfing the web using a search engine called BackRub? No? Neither do I. Thats because all these companies have change...

  • 千禧一代新郎选择婚后随妻姓

    21-02-10 在英国,女性婚后随夫姓这个传统已延续了一千多年。然而,这一惯例究竟从何而来?时至今日,婚后从夫姓的现象仍然非常普遍吗?近来,在千禧一代人中,有越来越多的男性选择夫随妇姓。 No one knows how long humans have been giving themselves names, but one thing...

  • 音译外国专有名词要秉承三个原则

    20-10-28 要遵循专有名词所有者的发音 Follow the pronunciation of the owners of proper names It is unquestionably true that all the proper names should be transliterated from the correct pronunciation of their owners. The French names should be transliterated...

  • 中国名字跟随探测器进入火星

    18-11-27 Around 200,000 people from China now have a small piece of themselves on Mars. 大约有20万中国人将他们的一小部分放在了火星上。 NASAs InSight spacecraft has safely touched down on Mars after seven months travel from Earth. While designed for studying...

  • 公司名字对投资者影响很大

    17-08-04 As if having an awesome product isnt hard enough: A study published in the peer-reviewed academic journal Venture Capital has found that a startups name can seriously affect how a company is perceived by investors. 拥有一款出色的产品似乎还不够难,同...

  • 2016美国最流行宝宝名字排行榜出炉

    17-05-23 Most popular names for girls in 2016: 1. Emma 艾玛 2. Olivia 奥利维亚 3. Ava 艾娃 4. Sophia 索菲亚 5. Isabella 伊莎贝拉 6. Mia 米娅 7. Charlotte 夏洛特 8. Abigail 阿比盖尔 9. Emily 艾米莉 10. Harper 哈珀 Most popular names for boys: 1. Noah 诺亚 2....

  • 1/5的妈妈为孩子取的名字感到后悔

    16-10-05 One in five mothers feels namers remorse and would pick another name for their child if they had the choice, according to a survey before the annual announcement on baby names. 在宣布年度宝贝名字之前,一项调查显示,五分之一的妈妈深感取名者的懊悔,要...

  • 中国政府拟规范地名乱象

    16-03-27 China is planning to introduce new restrictions on place names because of concerns that too many fail to reflect national culture. 担心越来越多的地名未能体现中国文化,中国政府拟规范地名乱象。 The countrys civic affairs minister, Li Liguo, wants anyo...

  • 求职者名字将不是英国雇主的考虑因素

    15-11-01 Major employers including the NHS, BBC and civil service will consider young people's job applications without looking at their names in a bid to end race discrimination. NHS、BBC和政府行政机构等主要的雇主将在不看求职者名字的前提下考虑年轻人的职位申...

  • 名字会以各种方式影响我们的生活

    15-04-08 Our given names influence our lives in all sorts of strange ways, affecting everything from where we choose to live to what we do for a living. That's the takeaway of a fascinating new video from PBS Digital Studios' BrainCraft series. 我们的名字会...