• 激进环保人士的破坏目标又转向了木乃伊

    22-11-26 继梵高的《向日葵》、莫奈的《干草堆》、约翰内斯维米尔的《戴珍珠耳环的少女》接连被破坏,激进环保人士的目标又转向了木乃伊。 据多家外媒报道,11月13日,来自西班牙活动组织未来植物(Futuro Vegetal)的气候活动家破坏了巴塞罗那埃及博物馆的木乃伊复制品陈列柜,...

  • 中国厦门展出埃及木乃伊

    16-08-14 An Egyptian mummy more than 3,000 years old has gone on show in the eastern city of Xiamen. 一具3000多年历史的埃及木乃伊在中国厦门展出。 The mummy of Ramesses IIs son is part of the Quest for Immortality: Hidden Treasure of Egypt exhibition that ope...

  • 墨西哥建干尸博物馆

    15-02-11 Visit the grave of a relative in central Mexico and you're just as likely to find their body, writhing in apparent eternal agony, mummified and propped up for the amusement of tourists than resting in peace. 在墨西哥瓜纳华托,人们在墓园吊唁亡故时,...

  • 西伯利亚出土完整冰冻野牛干尸

    14-11-10 Many large charismatic mammals went extinct at the end of the Ice Age (approx 11,000 years ago), including the Steppe bison, Bison priscus. A recent find in Eastern Siberia has uncovered one of these bison, literally, frozen in time. The most comple...