• 《海底总动员-1》第18章

    23-01-18 Hello, Darla, the dentist said. Hows my favorite little niece doing on her special day? He placed her in the dentists chair. Lets see those pearly whites! he said, opening her mouth. Ouch! he cried as she bit his finger. Grumpy, are we? I know what...

  • 《海底总动员-1》第14章

    23-01-18 Hours passed. Marlin and Dory swam and swam. The water was still dim and cloudy. Nothing seemed to have changed. They felt like theyd been swimming forever. Wait! Ive definitely seen this floating speck before, Marlin said suddenly, pointing to some...

  • put your money where your mouth is 说到做到

    22-11-28 表达 put your money where your mouth is 指 用你的行动而不仅仅是你的言语来证明你支持或相信某事,就如汉语里说的 说到做到,付诸行动。在使用中,它常被用来表示 不只是嘴上说说或作出空洞的承诺,而要有实际行动,这里的 实际行动 常指 金钱上的投入。 例句 Hes a...

  • 几个有意思的古英语表达

    22-10-31 1.Meldrop Derived from Scandinavian roots, meldrop was originally a drop of foam from a horses mouth as it chomped on the bitthe metal crossbar held in a horses mouth, the Old Norse word for which was mel. According to the English Dialect Dictionary...

  • keep one's mouth tightly shut 守口如瓶

    22-08-24 守口如瓶,汉语成语,意思是闭口不谈,像瓶口塞紧了一般,形容说话谨慎,严守秘密。可以翻译为keep ones mouth tightly shut,be tight-mouthed,seal ones lips等。 例句: 他要我们守口如瓶。 He asked us to keep our mouths shut. 他对此守口如瓶。 He kept a tigh...

  • 美剧主角的炫酷口语

    22-08-12 1. Look whos talking! 怎么不说你自己? 注:本句为俚语,带有你也够资格这样说的讽刺意味。 2.The truth hurts. 现实总是残酷的。 注:本句若是在安慰人,是希望对方了解事情不会总是尽如人意,也可用来提醒对方对实际情况要有心理准备。 3. Wash your mouth out wit...

  • keep one's mouth shut 一言不发

    22-08-10 一言不发,汉语成语,意思是一句话不说,指默不做声。可以翻译为keep ones mouth shut,not say a word或hold ones tongue等。 例句: 整个旅程中,她一言不发。 Throughout the journey, she remained silent. 会上他一直一言不发。 He sat through the meeting witho...

  • 吵架必备神句-冯小刚篇

    22-08-02 Dont make so much noise. Im working. 别吵,我在干活。 Its unfair. 太不公平了。 What do you think you are doing?你知道你在做什么吗? Stop complaining! 别发牢骚! Are you bluffing me ? 你当我是吓大的? You eat with that mouth? 你就是用这张臭嘴吃饭的...


    22-07-27 THE MINDLESS EATER 无知觉型的吃货 Do you: 你有木有: Eat without thinking? 吃前根本不细想? Graze continuously? 停不下来的吃吃吃? Eat if food is around or offered, regardless of what or when it is? 有食物在旁边就吃,有的吃就吃,不管是啥,不管什么时...

  • 哪些短语可以形容讲话特点

    22-07-26 1. Whisper sweet nothings Sweet nothings指的是甜言蜜语,情意绵绵的话。这个短语要表达的意思就是在情人耳边悄悄说情话。 例:He always whispers sweet nothings into his girlfriends ear. 他总爱在女友耳边灌甜言蜜语。 2. Twitter 这个单词大家都不陌生,很容易...