• have one's heart in one's mouth 提心吊胆

    22-07-08 提心吊胆,汉语成语,形容对事情不能放心,非常害怕。与英文习语have ones heart in ones mouth意思相近,表示be very alarmed or apprehensive。 例句: 每次飞机着陆,她都提心吊胆。 She has her heart in her mouth every time the plane lands....

  • put your foot in your mouth 无意中说错话而伤害了别人

    22-06-10 1. put your foot in your mouth 无意中说错话而伤害了别人 例句: I certainly put my foot in my mouth at the party last night when I asked Mr. Brown to say hello to his wife for me. Somehow Id forgotten that his wife died six months ago. 我昨晚在那个聚...

  • make one's mouth watery 垂涎欲滴

    22-06-06 垂涎欲滴,汉语成语,意思是馋得连口水都要滴下来了,形容非常想吃的样子,也比喻十分羡慕,极想得到。可以翻译为make ones mouth watery,keep a covetous eye on或drool/salivate over something等。 例句: 约翰逊对快要到手的几百万垂涎欲滴。 Johnson was salivat...

  • 接吻有助于保持牙齿健康

    22-04-24 接吻是情侣表达爱意的一种方式,可你知道吗,接吻不仅可以增进双方的感情,还有助于保持牙齿健康。牙科医生卡里德卡西姆表示,接吻是保护口腔健康最天然的方式,接吻会刺激口腔分泌更多的唾液清除口腔中腐蚀牙齿的有害细菌和酸。 Smooching boosts saliva production a...

  • 乌鸦嘴

    22-03-23 乌鸦嘴,字面翻译是crows beak,比喻嘴巴不吉利、说话不中听(mouth from which inauspicious remarks are uttered)。中国人认为乌鸦的叫声会带给人厄运(crows cawing could bring people bad luck),因此常用乌鸦嘴来形容一个人讲话晦气,好事说不灵,坏事一说就灵...

  • zip one's lip 守口如瓶

    22-03-23 守口如瓶,汉语成语,字面意思是闭口不谈,像瓶口塞紧了一般(keep ones mouth shut as that of a jar)。比喻说话谨慎,严守秘密,可以翻译为 be tight-mouthed,button up ones mouth,或zip ones lip。 例句: 他对她的身份守口如瓶。 He closely guarded her ident...

  • 悲伤

    22-02-09 当我们感到心情不好的时候,可以用:feel so depressed(压抑的)和miserable(悲惨的)。 down in the mouth形容某人神气沮丧、垂头丧气,非常不高兴。 例:Why so down in the mouth? low这个简单的单词也可以用来形容哀伤和某人精神不振,相当于sad和feel blue,但...

  • by word of mouth 通过口头来传播

    22-02-07 嘴巴里的词?好像没有这种说法。 但是你要仔细想想,这也没错,因为by word of mouth就是通过口头来传播。也就是一个消息经过一传十,十传百以后,许许多多人都知道了这件事。 举个例子: I think the best form of advertising is by word of mouth. People dont beli...

  • smart mouth 油嘴滑舌,说话不正经

    21-11-24 smart也可以表示贬义,意思是耍小聪明。所以,smart mouth的意思是油嘴滑舌,说话不正经。 例句: You watch your smart mouth before I have to slap you. 你再说话不正经,小心我扇你。...

  • 哭穷

    21-11-03 church mouse church mouse字面意思是教堂的老鼠。 其由来是因为古时候教堂没有食物,所以教堂的老鼠也就没有食物可以果腹,形容人没有金钱和食物,十分可怜的样子。所以a church mouse意即一贫如洗,穷困潦倒的人。 例句: Now Im as poor as a church mouse. 现在我...