• poor mouth 哭穷鬼

    16-01-28 Poor mouth refers to someone who continually complains about a lack of money, often as an excuse for not contributing to charities, paying bills, etc. Poor mouth指那些老抱怨自己没钱、并以此为借口逃避付账单或者为慈善事业捐款的人,我们可以称之为哭穷鬼...

  • Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 59

    15-07-20 Arrayed as best I am able, I follow the warden who puts me into the keeping of two strange tall fellows whose savage aspect doubles my fright; not a word do they utter; the carriage rolls off and we halt before an immense mansion I soon recognize as...

  • 与嘴有关的习语

    15-06-18 down in (at) the mouth 垂头丧气 from mouth to mouth 口口相传,广泛流传 put words in (to) someone's mouth 教人怎么说,诬指某人说过某话 stop someone's mouth 使某人缄默 take the words out of someone's mouth 抢先说某人想说的话 from the horse's mouth (...

  • 4-7-8呼吸法使人快速入睡

    15-05-17 Now, one scientist claims he has a way of getting insomniacs to slip into a slumber in just 60 seconds and it doesn't involve prescription drugs or strange lighting. 现在,一位科学家声称,他有办法让失眠症患者60秒钟之内就酣然入眠不要用处方药物,也不...

  • Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 30

    15-04-02 Yes. Ah, I swear to you in the name of all I hold most holy, in the name of the God Who makes me to breathe and Whom only I adore... I vow to you I will either die in the undertaking or destroy these infamies... will you promise me the same? Do not...

  • 10秒拥吻即能传递8000万口腔细菌

    14-11-21 近日一项研究发现,一次10秒的深情拥吻不仅传递了爱意,而且还传递了至少8000万的口腔细菌。研究人员表示,法式热吻就是短时间传递大量口腔细菌的绝佳案例。 A single 10-second kiss can transfer as many as 80 million bacteria, according to Dutch scientists. Th...

  • ghost taste 回味

    14-11-06 Ghost taste is the familiar taste that accompanies a post-meal burp. Its like deja-vu in your mouth. 回味就是吃完饭后打嗝时涌上来的一股熟悉的味道,嘴里充满了似曾相识的食物的味道。 Some food including garlic, onion and Chinese chives would definitely...

  • 老子问疾

    14-09-24 Laozi once went to visit the sick sage Shang Rong, and consulted him with some philosophical problems. Shang Rong told him that when he passed his hometown he should get off the chariot. Laozi asked, Is this meant to show that I have not forget abou...

  • American Tragedy 美国悲剧 chapter 17

    14-09-11 In connection with the automobile ride suggested and arranged for the following Sunday by Hegglund through his chauffeur friend, a change of plan was announced. The car -- an expensive Packard, no less -- could not be hadfor that day, but must be us...

  • Difference 男人女人的区别

    14-07-18 If you tell a man anything, it goes in at one ear and out at the other. she remarked. And if you tell a woman anything, he countered, it goes in at both ears and out of her mouth. 女人说:你告诉男人一件事,他一个耳朵进,一个耳朵出。 男人回敬说:你告...