• Shapewear 塑身内衣

    12-04-05 Shapewear is any of various undergarments designed to give the wearer a slimmer appearance. The function of a shapewear is not to enhance a bodily feature, but to smooth or control the display of one. Shapewear(塑身内衣)是指那些可以让你看起来变瘦...

  • The Young King 5

    12-02-07 And Avarice fled shrieking through the forest, and Death leaped upon his red horse and galloped away, and his galloping(飞驰) was faster than the wind. And out of the slime at the bottom of the valley crept dragons and horrible things with scales,...

  • After being away on business

    11-11-24 Tim thought it would be nice to bring his wife a little gift. How about some perfume? he asked the cosmetics(化妆品) clerk. She showed him a $50.00 bottle. That's a bit much,said Tim, so she returned with a smaller bottle for $30.00. That's still...

  • it's me all right 这就是我

    11-08-30 A pretty young lady went to cash a check at a bank. The teller examined it, then asked, Can you identify yourself? Looking puzzled, the girl dipped into her handbag and pulled out a small mirror. She glanced into it for a moment, then smiled, Yes, i...

  • Do You Have a Good Memory 你的记忆力好吗

    11-08-02 Wife: Do you have a good memory for faces? Husband: Yeswhy? Wife: I just broke your shaving mirror. 妻子:你对面孔是不是很善于记忆呢? 丈夫:是的为什么这么问? 妻子:刚才我把你的刮脸镜子打破了。...

  • 破镜重圆

    11-06-21 In the Northern and Southern Dynasties when the State of Chen (A.D. 557-589) was facing its demise(死亡,终止) , Xu Deyan, husband of the princess, broke a bronze mirror into halves. Each of them kept a half as tokens(代币,符号) in case they we...

  • 詹姆斯·韦伯望远镜完成首轮低温测试

    11-06-19 The first six of 18 segments that will form NASA's James Webb Space Telescope's primary mirror for space observations completed final cryogenic(冷冻的) testing this week. The ten week test series included two tests cycles where the mirrors were ch...

  • 日本发明虚拟化妆“魔镜”

    11-04-02 Most women have gone through the ordeal of buying a product at a beauty counter only to get home and discover it looks more clown than chic. 大多数女性都有这样的经历:在美容柜台选好的化妆品拿回家后却发现并不能把自己扮靓,却会把自己画丑了。 The futur...

  • 日本公司发明“体温镜”

    11-01-15 Japanese firm NEC Avio Infrared Technologies has announced the development of a mirror that can detect flu-like symptoms, such as a fever. 日本电气株式会社红外技术公司最近研发出一款体温镜,可以照出发烧等流感症状。 The world's first mirror thermomete...

  • Shining light in dark corners

    10-05-17 黑暗似乎具有能够遮断一切光明的魔力。但是人类对于光明的向往是永远也不可能被阻断的。镜子容易破碎,但是破碎的镜片依然能反射出完好的阳光。是光或者不是光也罢,重要的是要尽自己所能来反射光明,虽然微弱,也能驱走黑暗。 Dr.Papaderos, what is the meaning of l...