• 《怪兽大学》第8章

    23-01-18 Mike dedicated himself to his studies with more determination than ever. He listened intently as Professor Knight broke down the science of scaring. Ready position, the professor said as the students took their stances. Common Crouch, he instructed...

  • 《爱丽丝梦游仙境-1》第4章

    22-12-22 The world Alice stepped into was strange and beautiful and unexpected, like a garden glimpsed in a mirror from far away. For some reason she had expected it to be full of flowers talking flowers with silly personalities. But this garden was brown an...

  • Binge-able 形容值得反复观看

    21-10-09 Binge-able 形容值得反复观看 英文释义:形容词 describing a show that is worthy of being watched several times within a short time span. 一般形容电视剧或者电影。当你觉得这部电视剧或者电影值得二刷、三刷的时候,这个词就是想表达这个意思。例如: Black Mir...

  • unattainable illusions 镜花水月

    21-07-26 镜花水月,汉语成语,意思是镜里的花,水里的月;原指诗中灵活而不可捉摸的空灵的意境,后比喻虚幻的景象。按照字面意思英文可以翻译为flowers in a mirror and the moon reflected in the lake,或者直接用unattainable illusions表示。 例句: 他有许多美好的设想,...

  • 为什么照片中的自己没有镜子中的自己好看?

    21-05-22 原因一:脸的呈现方式不一致 镜子里的脸是我们最为舒服、熟悉的,但这不是照片中我们的样子。 Its a reflection, so it shows how we look like in reverse. 它是一个倒影,展现的是我们翻转的样子。 We see ourselves in the mirror all the timeyou brush your teeth...

  • 一张新面孔

    21-02-27 Everybody has looked in the mirror at some point in their lives and thought they could do with a smaller nose or fewer wrinkles. Almost 10 million operations were performed in 2014, according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery...

  • 发廊常用词

    16-02-14 sink 水槽 barber's chair 理发师的椅子 mirror 镜子 curling iron 卷发棒 comb 梳子 brush 刷子 hair dryer 吹风机 scissors 剪子 shampoo 洗发水 mousse 摩斯 shaving cream 剃须膏 razor 剃刀 hair clip 发夹 bobby pins 发夹 hair spray 发胶 styling gel 发胶 tow...

  • 用叉子吃饭有助减肥

    16-01-09 Eating with a fork instead of a spoon can help you lose weight, new research suggests. 最新研究显示,吃饭时用叉子不用勺,有助减肥。 A study by the University of Florida found that using a fork and eating from smaller, less fancy, and even paper plat...

  • Mirror

    15-12-03 Mirror Richie Hofmann You'd expect a certain view from such a mirror -- clearer than one that hangs in the entry and decays. I gaze past my reflection toward other things: bat wings, burnt gold upon blue, which decorate the wall and all those object...

  • 捷豹新技术可用眼球控制汽车雨刷

    15-05-20 Jaguar has already unveiled plans for eye-tracking cameras that can prevent you from falling asleep at the wheel. 捷豹推出了眼球追踪摄像头的计划,它能防止你在方向盘上睡着。 And now its latest patent wants to use this technology to control a car's wi...