• 不同的年龄段该有的健康状态

    17-10-03 20多岁的时候,你应该能做以下这些事: Run 5km in 30 minutes Do 20 burpees in a row Hold a full plank for one minute 注:Burpee(中文音译为波比),它是一项无氧运动,结合了深蹲、俯卧撑及跳跃一连串的动作。 30多岁的时候,你应该能做以下这些事: Run a mile...

  • Five minutes to spare

    15-06-10 No matter how busy you are, you could spend five minutes: To answer the telephone To read the morning paper To talk with a neighbor To dispute with the laundryman about a mistake To watch new furniture being unloaded next door To chat with a salesma...

  • fifteen minutes of fame 15分钟名气

    13-07-08 Fifteen minutes of fame is short-lived media publicity or celebrity of an individual or phenomenon. The expression was coined by Andy Warhol, who said in 1968 that In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes. Fifteen minutes of fame...

  • 男性每天打扮时间比女性长

    11-11-26 Men spend more time getting ready to go out than women, according to research. 调查发现,男性出门前打扮的时间比女性更长。 On average men spend 81 minutes a day on personal grooming(修饰) , including cleansing, toning(化妆水) and moisturising, sh...

  • 《情人节》二

    11-08-16 影片对白 Julia: Well, you do have a flaw after all. Harrison: Oh yeah? What's that? Julia: Your job. Harrison: I thought women liked doctors. Julia: We do like lab coats, but the flying around everywhere is not so good. Harrison: I'm only going to S...
