• 也门已处死34名基地组织嫌疑犯

    09-12-18 Thirty-four suspected al-Qaeda militants have been killed and 17 arrested by security forces, the Yemeni defence ministry said. 也门国防部称,保安部队杀死34名、逮捕17名基地组织激进分子嫌疑犯。 Yemen faces a resurgence of al-Qaeda as well as other se...

  • 阿布沙耶夫关键人物在菲律宾“落网”

    09-12-17 Officials in the Philippines say they have arrested one of the founders of the militant Islamist group Abu Sayyaf, active in the province of Mindanao. 菲律宾官员称,他们已经逮捕活动在棉兰老省的伊斯兰军事组织阿布沙耶夫的一名创始人。 Abdul Basir Latip...

  • 美国无人机杀死三名巴基斯坦“武装分子”

    09-12-08 At least three suspected militants have been killed in a US drone attack in north-western Pakistan, officials say. 美国无人机袭击了巴基斯坦西北部,至少三名武装嫌疑犯被杀。 Hundreds have been killed in drone attacks in the past year Two missiles fire...

  • 索马里激进分子释放两名外国记者

    09-11-26 Two foreign journalists kidnapped in Somalia by militants in August 2008 have been freed by their captors. 2008年8月遭索马里激进分子绑架的两名外国记者被释放。 Nigel Brennan had been in Somalia for a week when he was kidnapped Canadian Amanda Lindhou...

  • 尼日利亚和平会谈“成果显著”

    09-11-16 Nigeria's main militant group in the oil-producing Niger delta has described peace talks with President Umaru Yar'Adua as promising. 尼日尔三角洲产油地带的尼日利亚主要军事集团称,与总统雅阿杜阿的会谈是有希望的。 Thousands of militants have given up...

  • Pakistan 'to strike at militants' 巴基斯坦将要对武装人员“展

    09-10-12 Pakistan will launch an operation against militants in restive South Waziristan imminently, Interior Minister Rehman Malik has said. 巴基斯坦内政部长Rehman Malik表示,巴基斯坦迫切需要对南瓦齐里斯坦地区的武装力量展开一次行动。 He was speaking after t...

  • Pakistan 'to strike at militants' 巴基斯坦将要对武装人员“展

    09-10-12 Pakistan will launch an operation against militants in restive South Waziristan imminently, Interior Minister Rehman Malik has said. 巴基斯坦内政部长Rehman Malik表示,巴基斯坦迫切需要对南瓦齐里斯坦地区的武装力量展开一次行动。 He was speaking after t...

  • Pakistan militants take hostages 巴基斯坦武装分子劫持人质

    09-10-10 Insurgents who attacked Pakistan's military HQ near Islamabad have taken 10 to 15 security personnel hostage, the army says. 巴基斯坦军队称,袭击伊斯兰堡附近军事总部的武装人员劫持了10到15名安全人员作为人质。 Military officials say the attackers are...

  • 'Militants' killed in Java raid 爪哇突袭,四名“激进分子”被

    09-09-17 At least four people have been killed during a police operation against suspected militants on the island of Java, reports from Indonesia say. 印度尼西亚报道,爪哇岛至少四人在警察对武装激进分子的打击行动中丧生。 The reports say armed police raided a...

  • Somalia hostage tells of escape 索马里人质讲述逃生故事

    09-08-27 A French security adviser seized by Islamist militants in Somalia has told the BBC how he escaped from his captors without a struggle while they slept. 一位在索马里被回族教徒武装力量扣押的法国安全顾问向BBC讲述了他是如何在扣押者睡着的情况下安全逃出。...