• andropause 男性更年期

    16-12-11 Andropause - also colloquially known as male menopause - is said to be the result of a gradual drop in testosterone, which is an androgen. The medical community is currently debating whether or not men really do go through a well-defined menopause....

  • menopause rights 更年期权利

    15-09-24 Shanxi becomes first province to give women menopause rights . An employee at Taiyuan Public Transport Holdings Ltd in North China's Shanxi province has become the first to benefit from new laws introduced to give women undergoing the menopause the...

  • 女性更年期归因于 男人

    13-06-16 After decades of laboring under other theories that never seemed to add up, a team led by biologist Rama Singh has concluded that what causes menopause(更年期) in women is men. Singh, an evolutionary geneticist, backed by computer models developed...

  • 子宫切除术易使女性更年期提前

    11-11-15 In a finding that confirms what many obstetricians(产科医师) and gynecologists(妇科医生) suspected, Duke University researchers report that younger women who undergo hysterectomies(子宫切除) face a nearly two-fold increased risk for developing...

  • 准确预测女性更年期的研究更进一步

    10-06-28 Doctors are a step closer to accurately predicting the age at which a woman will hit the menopause. 医生能够准确预测女性进入更年期的年龄仅有一步之遥。 Blood tests were used to measure levels of AMH A 12-year Iranian study of 266 women found it was p...
