• 研究:男性更爱不懂装懂

    19-05-08 Men are more likely than women to fake expertise they dont have and rich men are the worst culprits when it comes to speaking with authority on topics they have no idea about, according to a new study. 一项新研究显示,男性比女性更爱不懂装懂而在与权...

  • 高跟鞋似乎重回男装时尚

    17-07-04 There are various ways in which society deems it acceptable for women to enhance their looks but not men. 这个社会可以接受女人提升形象的各种方法,但是男人却不行。 Want to make your eyes look bigger? Mascara. Need to cover a spot? Concealer. Want to...

  • 年长体胖的男性比偏瘦的男同胞更长寿

    16-12-04 Pudgy older fathers live longer, are more attractive to the opposite sex and are better at passing on their genes than their leaner counterparts, scientists have claimed. 科学家表示,年长体胖的男性比偏瘦的男同胞更长寿,更吸引异性,生育能力也更强。 B...

  • 女老板的男员工要求提薪的可能性更大

    15-07-20 Men with female bosses are more likely to ask for a pay rise because they feel their masculinity is under attack, a psychology study has suggested. 一项心理研究表明,给女老板当部下的男员工要求提薪的可能性更大,因为他们觉得自己的男性气概受到了攻击。...

  • 防晒霜和化妆品会“杀精”

    15-07-03 Sunscreen and cosmetics could be killing men's sperm, according to researchers who found that only one in four males has good fertility levels. 研究人员发现,防晒霜和化妆品会杀精,而且只有25%的男性拥有优质精子。 Experts in reproduction said chemical...

  • 男性比女性更自恋

    15-03-22 Now it is official. Men really are more narcissistic than women, according to a massive American study which analysed three decades of data from more than 475,000 people. 男性比女性更自恋,这一说法现在有官方支持了。美国一项研究通过分析三十年来超过47...