• 研究:女性比男性更善于沟通

    11-02-23 Women communicate better than men and actually talk less, researchers said Friday. 研究人员周五称,女性比男性更善于沟通,而且实际上她们比男性话少。 Men speak more words than women in a day, but have a weaker command of language in social situations,...

  • 调查:男性更想要孩子

    11-02-20 It was always women who wanted to settle down and start a family, while men dragged their heels... or so we thought. 一般来说女人们才想生个孩子,稳定下来,而男人们总是尽力拖延。至少我们是这么认为的。 These days, it seems the ladies are being beaten...

  • 职场中争强好胜的女人更难成功

    11-01-24 Women who want to succeed at work should resist the temptation to act like men, scientists have said. 科学家们认为,那些想获得事业成功的女性应该避免男性化作风。 Studies show that assertive(肯定的,独断的) women are often less likely to get ahead t...

  • 专家宣称发现男士秃顶的根源

    11-01-05 Experts say they have discovered what they believe is the root cause of male pattern baldness. 专家称,他们发现了男士秃顶的根源所在。 Nearly half of men experience some degree of baldness by the age of 50 It is not simply a lack of hair, but rather...

  • 离婚对男女性的影响截然不同

    10-12-14 Apart from the death of a loved one, it is probably the most stressful experience life can throw at you. 抛开失去至爱的痛苦不谈,离婚可能是生活中压力最大的一件事。 But research suggests that divorce can be good for men at least in terms of making th...

  • 法国女性生活质量不如男性

    10-11-13 French women seem to have it all: multiple children, a job and, often, a figure to envy. 法国女性似乎样样不缺,她们有一群孩子,有一份工作,还有一副令人羡慕的好身材。 What they don't have is equality. A recent 22-country survey by the Pew Research Ce...

  • 女性为何通常比男性长寿

    10-10-30 It is the ultimate battle of the sexes - and women usually win. 这是两性之间的终极较量而且通常女性获胜。 Now scientists have come up with(提出,想出) a new theory for why woman live, on average, longer than men: men are more biologically disposabl...

  • 高个子男士患睾丸癌危险更大

    10-10-27 Taller men may have a higher risk of getting testicular cancer, say experts in the United States. 美国专家称,高个子男士患睾丸癌的危险更大。 After looking at data on more than 10,000 men, researchers found that for every extra two inches or 5cm in h...

  • 过了52岁脾气就可能会见长

    10-10-17 Britons find being older than 52 is nothing to laugh about because that's the age when they start becoming grumpy, according to a survey on Friday. 根据周五发布的一项调查,对于英国人来说,年龄超过52岁没什么好高兴的,因为过了52岁,人的脾气就会见长。...

  • 妻子赚钱比丈夫多 婚姻易破裂

    10-09-12 You're in the job you always wanted and you're doing well, even making more money than your husband. 你有一份自己一直想要的工作,而且你做的很好,甚至比你丈夫赚钱更多。 But beware(注意,当心) . Women who become the chief breadwinners in their domes...