• Types of Friends

    14-04-02 A Faraway Friend is someone you grew up with or went to school with or lived in the same town as until one of you moved away. Without a Faraway Friend, you would never get any mail addressed in handwriting. A Faraway Friend calls late at night, invi...

  • 爱吃水果的狐猴的空间记忆力要好

    14-02-24 Food-finding tests in five lemur species show that fruit-eaters may have better spatial memory than lemurs with a more varied diet. The results support the idea that relying on foods that are seasonally available and far-flung gives a competitive ed...

  • 物理工具能在生物学中发挥新作用

    14-02-08 A Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory physicist and his colleagues have found a new application for the tools and mathematics typically used in physics to help solve problems in biology. Specifically, the team used statistical mechanics and mathe...

  • 中年男子重度饮酒会加速失忆

    14-01-18 Middle-aged men who drink more than 36 grams of alcohol, or two and a half US drinks per day, may speed their memory loss by up to six years later on, according to a study published in the January 15, 2014, online issue of Neurology, the medical jou...

  • 咖啡因可增强记忆力

    14-01-13 For some, it's the tradition of steeping(浸泡) tealeaves to brew the perfect cup of tea. For others, it's the morning shuffle to a coffee maker for a hot jolt(颠簸,摇晃) of java. Then there are those who like their wake up with the kind of snap...

  • 运动应激性高的人工作记忆也好

    13-12-24 Humans with a high motor excitability(兴奋性,应激性) have a better working memory than humans with a low excitability. This was shown in a study conducted by scientists from the Transfacultary Research Platform at the University of Basel. By meas...

  • Muscle of difficulty

    13-12-19 Muscle of difficulty Alice Major November's clench. A sullen(愠怒的) band of cloud is louring in the West -- a low forehead, a corrugated(波纹的) frown. Behind it comes the cold drop of frost and autumn's first hard night. Corrugator -- the tigh...

  • Demeter Speaks After a Long Silence

    13-12-19 Demeter Speaks After a Long Silence Rosemary Catacalos Who are you, gardener? You dig deeply into me, into the dark home of the old woman who is a childless worm, an imperfect memory of grace. She recollects everything when you touch her, grows wing...

  • baby brain 孕傻

    13-12-13 Just when a pregnant woman might need to multitask, research has confirmed that the long-suspected baby brain effect kicks in, as suspected, and may impair memory for up to a year after birth. 怀孕的女人本就需要身兼多职,而研究却证实长久以来流传的孕...

  • 清除甚至改写记忆或将成为可能

    13-12-01 Now, a handful of studies have shown that we're on the verge of erasing and even rewriting memories. The hope is that this research will lead to medical treatments, especially for addiction and post-traumatic stress disorder. 现有研究显示清除甚至改...