• 记忆力可以提高吗

    22-12-31 你善于判断他人的性格吗? Are you a good judge of character? Can you make an accurate judgement of someones personality based only on your first impression of them? Ironically, the answer lies as much in them as it does in you. One of the first peopl...

  • 《海底总动员-2》第1章

    22-12-26 Hi, Im Dory, the five-year-old blue tang fish said brightly. I suffer from short-term memory loss. Dorys giant eyes slowly blinked as she floated, waiting for a response. Her parents, Jenny and Charlie, clapped their fins with delight. Yes! Jenny ch...

  • 研究发现脑电刺激可改善记忆力

    22-11-28 科学家们发现,通过对大脑部分区域进行无创刺激,可增强人们的记忆力,效果至少能维持一个月。专家发现,参与实验的志愿者接受电流刺激后,在单词记忆任务中表现得更好,这些任务测试了即时 工作 记忆和长期记忆。 Our brain works by firing off electrical impulses....

  • 我们为什么会做梦?

    22-10-18 我们为什么做梦这个问题没有明确的答案,但有不同的理论。这些理论包括记忆储存、日常情绪的处理以及帮助我们为日常压力情境进行演练。 There are no clear answers to the question of why we dream, but there are different theories. Dreaming is extraordinary an...

  • 恐惧症

    22-10-12 Phobia/ 恐惧症:害怕、恐惧、强烈的厌恶或厌憎;尤指由某一特定物体或环境引起的极度或非理性害怕或恐惧。 Phobia一词源自希腊语phobos,意为恐惧,因而现代用法不足为奇。在希腊神话中,Phobos是阿佛洛狄忒和阿瑞斯的儿子,是拟人化的恐惧。与这一希腊主题保持一致,...

  • 《头脑特工队》第19章

    22-09-06 Chapter 19 Joy landed with a thud and groaned as she rolled down the long, steep hill into the shadows filled with faded memories. When she finally stopped, she looked around, confused, trying to figure out where she was. She hugged the bag of core...

  • 《头脑特工队》第11章

    22-09-02 Chapter 11 Oh, look at you, the elephant figure cried as he grabbed one particular memory. Youre a keeper! Joy continued to watch him from a distance. The figure was so intent on picking memories that he didnt see Joy until she stepped forward. Hell...