• 睡眠影响注意缺陷症儿童的情感记忆

    13-05-31 Sleep consolidates(巩固,联合) emotional memories in healthy children but not in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to research published May 29 in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Alexander Prehn-Kristense...

  • 心得安能提高自闭症患者的语言交际能力

    13-04-16 People with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often have trouble communicating and interacting with others because they process language, facial expressions and social cues differently. Previously, researchers found that propranolol(心得安) , a dr...

  • 记住我们为什么做某事

    13-04-08 Sometimes I forget why I'm doing, what I'm doing. Have you ever done that? I'm not just talking about a memory problem, although that's possible too. I have called someone because I want to tell them something. And then, after just choosing the plac...

  • 睡觉让人更聪明

    13-04-02 Amazing news for lazy people; sleep makes you smarter. Not studying, reading or revising, just sleeping, although the other three won't hurt either. A joint study conducted by Harvard Medical School and the University of Pennsylvania found that shut...

  • Setting my resolutions for Chinese New Year

    13-02-25 With the Year of the Snake practically upon us, and with the solar New Year fast fading into distant memory, I have been ruminating(反刍,沉思) over the habit that so many people have of making new year resolutions ... and then breaking them just...

  • 如何预测未来科技发展?

    13-01-28 The bread and butter of investing for Silicon Valley tech companies is stale(陈腐的) . Instead, a new method of predicting the evolution of technology could save tech giants millions in research and development or developments of new products -- a...

  • 人们对网站帖子的记忆力超乎想象

    13-01-16 People's memory for Facebook posts is strikingly stronger than their memory for human faces or sentences from books, according to a new study. The findings shed light on how our memories favour natural, spontaneous writing over polished, edited cont...

  • 一个时时怀抱梦想的人

    13-01-15 The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn't already know. I stood up to look around, when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned around to find wrinkled, little old lady beaming up...

  • 一年级的学生既有数学焦虑感

    12-09-13 Many high-achieving students experience math anxiety at a young age -- a problem that can follow them throughout their lives, new research at the University of Chicago shows. In a study of first- and second-graders, Sian Beilock, professor in psycho...

  • 肥胖会加速认知能力衰退

    12-08-25 最新一项研究显示,肥胖会加速人的认知能力衰退,从而增加患痴呆症的风险。 Being overweight is not just bad for waistlines but for brains too, say researchers who have linked obesity to declining mental performance. Experts are not sure why this might b...