• 皮肤癌与不同肤色间的联系

    22-11-28 在伊塞尔内纳年近三十岁时,她被诊断出患有皮肤癌。从小到大,伊塞尔从未使用过防晒霜,现在她正在和英国癌症研究基金会(Cancer Research UK)合作,警告他人不要犯同样的错误。 Theres a common misconception that having darker skin makes you invulnerable to th...

  • 皮肤癌:黑色素瘤晚期存活率过半

    20-11-21 英国医生们说,十年前皮肤癌被认为是不治之症,但现在,超过半数的患者都可以活下来。 There has been a staggering transformation in the treatment of melanoma. Ten years ago the disease was considered untreatable once it had spread round the body. People...

  • 组合疗法能延长转移性黑色素瘤患者生命

    14-11-06 Among patients with metastatic melanoma, treatment with a combination of the drugs sargramostim plus ipilimumab, compared with ipilimumab alone, resulted in longer overall survival and lower toxicity, but no difference in progression-free survival,...

  • 伊匹单抗可延长黑素瘤晚期患者的寿命

    13-09-30 Patients with advanced melanoma(黑素瘤) , who have been treated with the monoclonal antibody, ipilimumab(伊匹单抗) , can survive for up to ten years, according to the largest analysis of overall survival for these patients, presented at the 2013...

  • 验血可预测黑素瘤转移

    11-04-17 Scientists at Yale University have identified a set of plasma(血浆) biomarkers that could reasonably predict the risk of metastasis(转移,新陈代谢) among patients with melanoma(黑素瘤) , according to findings published in Clinical Cancer Resea...

  • 黑素瘤早期发展所需的蛋白质被发现

    10-12-24 Melanoma(黑素瘤) is one of the least common types of skin cancer, but it is also the most deadly. Melanocytes(生黑色素细胞) (pigment-producing skin cells) lose the genetic regulatory mechanisms that normally limit their number, allowing them to...

  • 新黑素瘤药物开始进行临床试验

    10-12-01 Rush University Medical Center has just enrolled the first U.S. patient in an international clinical trial testing a novel drug to treat certain kinds of melanoma(黑素瘤) , a deadly skin cancer that in its advanced stages currently has few effecti...

  • 转移性黑素瘤基因疗法在鼠类实验中获得成功

    10-11-19 A potent(有效的,强有力的) anti-tumor gene introduced into mice with metastatic(转移性的,变形的) melanoma(黑素瘤,胎记瘤) has resulted in permanent immune reconfiguration and produced a complete remission(缓解,豁免) of their cancer, accord...

  • 利用光声学鉴别黑色素瘤以发现癌症

    10-02-24 Knowing the stage of a patient's melanoma(黑素瘤,胎记瘤) is important when choosing the best course of treatment. When the cancer has progressed to the lymph nodes(淋巴结) , a more aggressive treatment is needed. Examining an entire lymph node...
