• 《Munich》慕尼黑

    20-11-28 Munich is a 2005 historical film about the Israeli governments secret retaliation against the Black September terrorist group after the Munich massacre during the 1972 Summer Olympics. The film was produced and directed by Steven Spielberg and writt...

  • 美国某将军就荷兰同性恋士兵言论致歉

    10-03-31 A retired US general has apologised for suggesting that Dutch troops failed to stop the Srebrenica massacre in Bosnia in 1995 because some of them were gay. 一位退休美国将军曾暗示,荷兰军队未能阻止1995年发生在波斯尼亚的斯雷布雷尼察屠杀是因为军队中有...

  • 塞尔维亚国会就斯雷布雷尼察屠杀致歉

    10-03-31 Serbia's parliament has passed a landmark resolution offering an apology for the Srebrenica massacre in 1995 - the worst incident of the Bosnian War. 塞尔维亚国会通过一项划时代的决议,对波斯尼亚战争中最恶劣的事件1995年斯雷布雷尼察屠杀表示歉意。 Seve...

  • 南非正筹备沙佩维尔大屠杀50周年纪念活动

    10-03-21 South Africans are preparing to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Sharpeville Massacre, an iconic moment in the nation's liberation struggle. 南非人正在筹备沙佩维尔大屠杀50周年的纪念活动,该活动是南非解放斗争的标志性事件。 The 1960 Sharpeville...

  • 几内亚军领导康复“尚需时日”

    10-01-07 The head of Guinea's junta, Capt Moussa Dadis Camara will need time to recover after December's assassination attempt, the country's interim leader has said. 几内亚临时领导人称,经历12月的暗杀行动,军政府领导穆萨达迪斯卡马拉需要一定的时间来康复。 Ge...

  • 几内亚军事领导对大屠杀负有责任

    09-12-18 Guinea's military leader Capt Moussa Dadis Camara could be held responsible for the massacre of 157 protesters in in September, a report says. 一份报告称,几内亚军事领导穆萨达迪斯卡马拉上尉可能与九月发生的屠杀157名反抗者有责任。 The report says the...

  • 几内亚副官承认向军政府领导卡马拉开枪

    09-12-17 A renegade soldier hunted by Guinea's authorities for trying to kill junta leader Capt Moussa Dadis Camara has admitted that he shot his boss. 一名被几内亚当局追捕的叛徒士兵承认他向军政府领导穆萨达迪斯卡马拉上尉开枪。 Lt Toumba Diakite (R) was suspe...

  • 菲律宾警方确定161名大屠杀嫌疑犯

    09-12-09 Police in the Philippines say they have identified 161 suspects wanted in connection with the massacre of 57 people on Mindanao island last month. 菲律宾警方称,他们已经确定161名嫌疑犯与棉兰老岛上月发生的57人大屠杀有关。 The province has been placed...

  • 菲律参与大屠杀的政客将被指控

    09-11-27 A member of a powerful clan suspected of involvement in the killing in the Philippines of 57 people faces multiple murder charges, prosecutors say. 菲律宾公诉人称,某强势宗派一名成员涉嫌参与杀害57人而面临多重谋杀罪指控。 Andal Ampatuan Jr (right) ha...

  • 菲律宾氏族首领涉嫌大屠杀被逮捕

    09-11-26 A powerful Philippine clan leader suspected of involvement in the massacre of 57 people has been taken into custody, officials said. 一位有权势的菲律宾氏族首领因涉嫌参与57人的大屠杀而被拘押。 A state of emergency was declared in Maguindanao province...
