• 墨西哥推出“防新冠”鼻罩

    21-04-01 近日,墨西哥推出了一款只遮住鼻子的新型鼻罩,研究人员称,这种鼻罩是为了降低人们在吃饭时感染新冠病毒的风险。然而世界卫生组织在佩戴口罩的建议中则表示,要预防感染新冠病毒,需要遮盖鼻子、嘴和下巴。 Researchers in Mexico have sniffed out a new COVID-19 ma...

  • 欧洲各国加强限制措施阻止新冠传播

    20-10-21 Governments across Europe have introduced more restrictions to combat the spread of COVID-19, with a combination of nationwide and specific regional measures and curfews imposed as the continent faces its second wave. 面对第二波疫情的来袭,欧洲各国...

  • novel coronavirus 新型冠状病毒

    20-02-11 1. 新型冠状病毒:novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) 新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎 pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus 2. 口罩:mask 医用外科口罩: surgical mask N95口罩:N95 mask 你出门一定要戴口罩。 You must wear a mask when you go out. 外科医生戴着口罩以...

  • 能阻隔佩戴者声音的高科技口罩

    17-04-10 Dont you just hate it when you have to take an important phone call and youre surrounded by potential eavesdroppers? You either have to whisper or go outside to keep the conversation private, which is not exactly ideal. 当你接到一个重要电话,却发现...

  • 市面上常见的几种口罩

    16-07-07 保暖口罩 Cold-weather mask 医用外科口罩 Surgical mask 活性炭口罩 Activated Carbon mask 防污染口罩 Anti-pollution mask 时尚口罩 trendy mask N95型口罩 N95 mask 耳戴式口罩 earloop mask 头戴式口罩 headband mask 耳带、头带 strap...

  • 智能睡眠眼罩帮忙缓解时差

    15-08-16 A revolutionary smart mask promises to help you stave off the dreaded effects of jet lag by preparing your body for the time difference before you even board the flight. 一款革命性的智能睡眠眼罩承诺可帮助减缓因时差带来的种种不适,甚至在您登机前就可...

  • 英国富豪每年花2.9万镑美容保养

    15-01-14 Britain's wealthiest are spending up to 29,000 a year on facial masks and other treatments which have precious metals and gems as ingredients, a BBC2 documentary reveals. 在英国广播公司BBC第二频道播出的纪录片中,英国顶级富豪每年花在以昂贵金属和宝石...

  • facekini 脸基尼

    13-09-12 Facekini is a ski mask designed for swimmers and beachgoers which covers the head and reveals only the eyes, nose, and mouth This mask is popular in the Chinese city of Qingdao, where it is used by people for protecting themselves from UV rays while...

  • An Ugly Woman 丑女

    12-06-01 Mike: My aunt was very embarrassed when she was asked to take off her mask at the party. Mary: Why was that? Mike: She wasn't wearing one. 麦克:一次舞会上,当大家要求我姑姑拿掉她的面具时,她非常尴尬。 玛丽:为什么会那样呢? 麦克:她根本就没有带面具...

  • 英国准王妃面具热销

    11-04-29 Costume masks of Britain's royal family are flying off the shelves nationwide ahead of Prince William's April 29 wedding to Kate Middleton. And with Britons taking no pains to, well, mask their excitement about the wedding, the bride-to-be's face ha...