• 《海底总动员-1》第9章

    23-01-18 Marlin had the address from the mask: 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. But where was Wallaby Way? Where was Sydney? He had to ask for directions. A school of silvery moonfish swirled past. Maybe they knew. Excuse me, Marlin said as they rushed by. Uhhello? T...

  • 《海底总动员-1》第7章

    23-01-13 The next morning, Marlin opened his eyesonly to find Dory snoring loudly by his side. As he looked around, Marlin realized that they were hanging on top of the submarine by a strap, over a huge pit. And they were sleeping on the divers mask. The mas...

  • 《海底总动员-1》第5章

    23-01-12 It was the same mask that had dropped into the water when Nemo was taken away. Maybe it would give Marlin a clue! A way to find his son. Nemo, Marlin said under his breath. Nemo, said Chum with a confused stare. I dont get it. For a clownfish hes no...

  • 中国科学家研发出一款口罩 可检测常见呼吸道病毒

    22-09-26 中国的科学家们发明了一种口罩,可以检测空气中常见的呼吸道病毒,包括流感和冠状病毒,并在10分钟内通过移动设备向佩戴者发出警报。 A group of Chinese scientists have developed a face mask that can detect viral exposure. 中国的科学家团队研发出一款口罩,可...

  • 洛杉矶在公共交通和机场内重启“口罩令”

    22-05-05 美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶郡连续两天新冠肺炎确诊病例单日新增超过2000例,在此形势下,洛杉矶县公共卫生局发布一项针对疫情的最新公共卫生规定,自4月22日起在公共交通和机场内重启口罩令。 Los Angeles County is once again requiring travelers to mask up when aboa...

  • lifting intensifier 祛皱紧致霜

    22-03-02 1. lifting intensifier 祛皱紧致霜 intensifier的本意是(英语语法中的)强调成分,尤指副词或形容词。 要正确翻译护肤品化妆品,这也是门学问...

  • 日本科学家研发可自测是否感染新冠病毒的新型口罩

    21-12-16 日本的科学家近日研发出了一种新型口罩,如果佩戴者感染了新冠病毒,这种口罩就能在紫外灯下发出亮光。有了这款口罩,人们在家中就可以自测是否感染了新冠病毒。 A team of Japanese scientists has created a prototype for a mask filter that glows under ultraviol...

  • 中国街拍迷倒无数外国网友

    21-04-25 从去年起,一股中国街拍的时尚浪潮开始席卷海外版抖音TikTok。身着潮服的俊男靓女走在街上,步伐自信,眼神冷峻,迷倒无数网友。 如今,中国街拍(#chinesestreetfashion)的话题在TikTok上已经有超过12亿播放量。这些小视频有多火?许多外国媒体和时尚博主去年就跟风...