• 与“婚姻”有关的英语说法

    22-12-02 Do you marry me?、Will you marry me? 和 Would you marry me? 三者的差异是什么? 下面,我们就来看看这些与 婚姻 有关的句子,再通过例句讲解它们的语法形式 。 首先,人们一般不说:Do you marry me?。在向某人求婚,也就是问这个人愿不愿意成为你的丈夫或妻子时,...

  • 中华人民共和国未成年人保护法:第二章——家庭保护

    22-10-26 第二章 家庭保护 CHAPTER II PROTECTION BY THE FAMILY 第八条 父母或者其他监护人应当依法履行对未成年人的监护职责和抚养义务;不得虐待、遗弃未成年人;不得歧视女性未成年人或者有残疾的未成年人;禁止溺婴、弃婴。 Article 8 The parents or other guardians of m...

  • 单身久了 内心独白据说会变成这样

    22-06-07 1. I am more than positive Ill die alone. 我几乎可以确信我要孤独终老了。 2. Wait, I cant tell if hes flirting or just being friendly. 哎?他这是对我有好感么,还是只是表示友好而已。 3. Should I text my ex? 要不要给前任发个短信? 4. If need be, Ill ma...

  • 那些有关爱情的习语 下

    22-04-25 17. WALK OUT ON SOMEBODY 甩掉某人 leave your partner and end the relationship 离开伴侣,结束感情。 Youre the second men to walk out on me. I wont let it happen ever again. 你是第二个离开我的男人,不会再有下次了。 18. LEAVE SOMEBODY AT THE ALTAR 悔婚...

  • Mummy's boy 妈宝男

    22-02-07 Mummys boy指的是:很听妈妈的话,什么事情都让母亲来做主,而自己毫无主见的男生或者成年男性。也就是我们常说的妈宝男! Dont marry him! Hes just a mummys boy. 别嫁给他!他就是一个妈宝男。 Tim is a mummys boy. He left his girlfriend because his mother did...

  • marry money 嫁给有钱人;跟有钱人结婚

    21-09-07 marry money的意思可不是嫁给钱。 真正的意思是:嫁给有钱人;跟有钱人结婚。 例句: One way to get rich is to get marry money. 变富的一个方法就是跟有钱人结婚。...

  • the one 命中注定的另一半

    21-06-29 有些人相信,我们每个人的生命中都有一位会和你相伴终生,而且对你来说独一无二的爱人。在英语中,浪漫说法the one 唯一正表达了此意。The one 指某人命中注定的另一半,唯一,就好比我们俗称的真命天子或真命天女。 例句 My father says he always knew my mother was...

  • 上头

    21-05-28 Be strongly obsessed with sb obsess v.使痴迷;使迷恋 He was obsessed with the American films. 他疯狂的迷上了美国电影。 另外,obsessed也可以替换成其他类似的单词: be fascinated by someone be crazy about sb be crush on sb 都表示对某人一见倾心;疯狂迷恋...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 27

    21-03-17 Emma did not repent her condescension in going to the Coles. The visit afforded her many pleasant recollections the next day; and all that she might be supposed to have lost on the side of dignified seclusion, must be amply repaid in the splendour o...

  • Rose In Bloom - Chapter 8

    20-12-20 Anxious to smooth the way for Phebe, Rose was up betimes and slipped into Aunt Plentys room before the old lady had gotten her cap on. Aunty, Ive something pleasant to tell you, and while you listen, Ill brush your hair, as you like to have me, she...