• 雄性熊猫也有“发情期”

    12-04-06 A three-year study of giant pandas published 4 April 2012 in Biology of Reproduction's Papers-in-Press reveals that reproductive seasonality exists not only in female pandas, but in male pandas as well. According to the authors of the study, this ne...

  • omega male 绝世衰男

    12-03-30 Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet. An omega male then is the last man. In essence, if you were to rank all the men in the world by their virtues (bravery, intelligence, leadership, generosity, etc.), an omega male altogether would be th...

  • 华尔街男性压力大 睾丸素水平低

    12-02-18 The male hormone testosterone has become an unlikely drug of choice for Wall Street traders seeking to give themselves an edge over their professional rivals. 男性荷尔蒙睾丸素竟成了华尔街交易者为赶超职场竞争对手而选用的药物。 New York clinics have r...

  • Fish Romeo And Juliet

    11-12-07 We kept a couple of Parrot Cichlids(丽鱼科) for a few months, everyday with them I couldnt forget their love story. The two Parrot Cichlid fish were like an adults hand size, the male was a little bigger and fatter than the female, and the colour...

  • mancation 男性假期

    11-08-10 The concept of a gender specific trip has been around since the first caveman took his club and went hunting with the others in the tribe. Yet, mancation has become a buzzword in the travel business lately. 虽说同性出游这样的形式在人类始祖山顶洞人拿...

  • 男性户外活动多 更易受雷击

    11-07-03 美国最新的一项研究显示,1995年到2008年期间美国遭雷劈死亡的648人中,男性占82%,研究人员表示,男性遭雷击的概率远高于女性的原因主要与他们的行为习惯有关。 Men, that last game of touch football is just not worth it during an approaching storm -- especia...

  • 雌雄黑猩猩偏好的“玩具”不同

    10-12-21 Researchers have reported some of the first evidence that chimpanzee(黑猩猩) youngsters in the wild may tend to play differently depending on their sex, just as human children around the world do. Although both young male and female chimpanzees pl...

  • 雌性切叶蚊可储存雄性精子并停止其相互竞争

    10-03-19 Leafcutter ant queens can live for twenty years, fertilizing millions of eggs with sperm stored after a single day of sexual activity. Danish researchers who have studied ants at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama since 1992 disco...

  • 美国首现合法男妓服务

    10-01-16 美国赌城拉斯维加斯150英里外的一家妓院最近正通过其网站招募男性性工作者,目前已接到数百位男性申请,并且有望在本月底开始上岗服务。这家妓院所在的内华达州是美国唯一一个卖淫合法化的州,而此次男妓招募是在得到当地管理该行业的部门许可后才进行的。这家妓院的经...

  • 男性化名字有助女性从事司法业

    09-11-21 美国最近一项研究发现,名字偏男性化的女律师和女法官比那些有传统女性化名字的女性同行更加成功。这项研究分析了一个人在司法行业的成就与其名字男性化程度之间的关系。研究发现,名为卡梅隆的女性成为法官的几率比叫苏的女性高出两倍,而名为布鲁斯的女性成为法官的...