• 《幸运查克》三

    13-11-14 精彩对白 Cam: The female lays a single egg and rolls it onto the feet of the male. The male stands and incubates the egg until it hatches, about 65 days. Having built up a thick layer of fat to sustain him through the long winter, he never leaves th...

  • 德国将增加第三性别

    13-08-25 The option of selecting blank, in addition to the standard choices of male or female on birth certificates will become available in Germany from November 1. 从今年11月开始,德国人的出生证上除了标准的男性或女性选项外,还增加了空白选项。 The legislati...

  • 雄性之美在于基因的利用

    13-08-16 The essence of male beauty is down to the way males use their genes rather than what genes they have, according to a new study into the sexual attractiveness of turkeys. Geneticists have long puzzled over why individuals of the same sex show a great...

  • 英国大学男生比例下降

    13-03-24 英国大专院校招生服务机构负责人表示,申请大学学位课程的男生比例下降或让男生在教育方面处于弱势地位,从而影响其社会生存状况,因为大学毕业生的收入通常都高于未接受高等教育的普通员工。 UK universities are setting targets to recruit more men as male studen...

  • 雌蝴蝶可嗅出雄性是否为近亲

    13-03-07 The mating success of male butterflies is often lower if they are inbred(近亲交配的) . But how do female butterflies know which males to avoid? New research reveals that inbred male butterflies produce significantly less sex pheromones, making the...

  • 韩国男性逐渐蜕变成脂粉男

    12-09-23 Cho Won-hyuk stands in front of his bedroom mirror and spreads dollops of yellow-brown makeup over his forehead, nose, chin and cheeks until his skin is flawless. Then he goes to work with a black pencil, highlighting his eyebrows until they're thic...

  • 雄海螺承担着全部的育幼工作

    12-08-29 Pity the male of the marine whelk(峨螺) , Solenosteira macrospira. He does all the work of raising the young, from egg-laying to hatching -- even though few of the baby snails are his own. The surprising new finding by researchers at the Universit...

  • Ubersexual 魅力超男

    12-08-22 Ubersexual is a heterosexual male who is confident, stylish and committed to uncompromising quality in all areas of life. 魅力超男是自信、有型有款、对于人生各方面都有坚定追求的异性恋男性。 In comparison with metrosexual, the ubersexual is passionate...

  • Male Answer Syndrome 男性回答综合症

    12-08-02 Male Answer Syndrome (MAS) is the tendency among men to give answers to questions whether they know anything about the subject or not, particularly when in the presence of women. 男性回答综合症是指男性特有的对问题作出回答的倾向,不管他们是否了解所谈...

  • 关联密切的种族其头骨也不同

    12-04-13 In order to accurately identify skulls as male or female, forensic(法院的) anthropologists need to have a good understanding of how the characteristics of male and female skulls differ between populations. A new study from North Carolina State Uni...