• 《怪兽大学》第11章

    23-01-18 Weeks passed, and soon it was January and the start of a new semester. Back in class, Mike fidgeted in his seat as Professor Brandywine lectured about scream-can designs. This was Mikes new major. He stared out the window at the School of Scaring in...

  • bread and circuses 小恩小惠

    22-08-18 古罗马时期,政府常常向百姓提供免费的粮食和娱乐,用以缓和百姓的不满情绪。本习语出自古罗马著名讽刺诗人尤维纳利斯(Juvenal, 60~140)所写的16首讽刺诗第10首(Tenth Satire)中的一个短语panem et circenses(面包和马戏)。诗人用该习语指代古罗马统治者出于安...

  • dog days 炎炎夏日

    22-04-21 前不久,HM的一款新T恤突然在网上火了,为什么呢?因为它胸前写了一句英文:Dog Days Are Here? 啥意思?? 狗日子来了??? 嗯,就是因为大部分人都有了这个误解,所以这件衣服才火了。 不过,其实英语里的 dog days 指的是炎炎夏日。 为什么会有这样一个说法呢?这...

  • 事业就像恋爱 喜欢才能长久

    22-04-15 I have a degree in business. 我拥有一个贸易专业的学位 However, 但是 it was my fathers decision 是我父亲的决定 for me to pursue a business major. 让我学习贸易专业 He thought that 他认为 having a business degree 拥有贸易专业的学位 would make me more c...

  • come as a surprise 大跌眼镜

    21-11-23 汉语里描述特别令人惊讶的场景时,常常用到大跌眼镜这个词。 大跌眼镜或跌眼镜,中文熟语,意思是指事情的结果出乎意料,令人感到吃惊,翻译为come as a surprise, go contrary to expectations。 除了跌眼镜外,掉下巴(jaw-dropping)也可以表示让人吃惊的意思。 例...

  • 人文知识练习附讲解 13

    21-10-23 1. ___ is the oldest of all the parties in Ireland. A Finn Gael B The Progressive Democrats C Finna Fail D The Irish Labor Party 2.The largest state of all the states of America is___. A Texas B Alaska C California D Hawaii 3.___ had the title the W...

  • bugbear 烦人的事

    21-07-08 英语单词bugbear可以形容特别让某个人心烦或讨厌的事。这个由bug 虫子和bear 熊组成的词语和动物之间并没有直接的联系。据说,bugbear一词源于民间传说,是一个喜欢吓唬不守规矩的孩子们的神秘生物。 例句 Its a bugbear of mine that you smack your lips while eatin...

  • 选择大学专业要注意5个误区

    21-06-25 1. 盲目追求高收入专业 The mistake happens when youre choosing a major solely based on money. You need to also consider your passions, your dislikes, and most importantly, your happiness. Can you see yourself investing the next 40 years or so in this...

  • 中国大学开通人工智能专业

    19-04-16 A total of 35 universities in China will become the countrys first batch to open artificial intelligence courses for undergraduates, according to the Ministry of Education. 全国共有35所大学将首批开通本科人工智能课程。 A circular issued by the minist...

  • 毕业后 你收到的最好的建议

    15-05-06 We recently asked netizens to tell us the best post-grad advice they've ever received. Here's what they had to say: 最近,我们向网友做了个调查:大学毕业后,你收到的最好的建议是什么。以下是他们给出的答案: 1. Your major doesn't have to define who you...
