• be infinitely resourceful 神通广大

    21-02-08 神通广大,原指神仙法力无所不能(have great magic power)。现比喻办法多,本领高强。可以翻译为be infinitely resourceful,possess marvelous abilities。 例句: 孙悟空神通广大。 Sun Wukong(Monkey King) had vast magic powers. 他神通广大,肯定能办此事。 Be...

  • Abracadabra 急急如律令

    20-12-22 急急如律令是道教咒语,起源于汉代,原本是官方用来申述法律、政令权威之语,用白话文解释就是请速速遵照执行,不得有误,违者必究。 后来被道教吸收,并加入了神仙名号,用于符咒的末尾。 最常见的说法有:太上老君急急如律令、急急如太上老君律令,字面意思就是:请...

  • Jo's Boys - Charter 19

    20-09-16 While the travellers refreshed, and Mrs President struggled into her best gown, Josie ran into the garden to gather flowers for the brides. The sudden arrival of these interesting beings had quite enchanted the romantic girl, and her head was full o...

  • 役虎

    14-11-05 Huang Gong from the East sea saw that An Qisheng, who had come back from Mountain Zhifu after had finished his study of Taoist's magic arts there, could work a tiger with a sword. He saved the sword to the front, and the tiger would not dare to go b...

  • 魔笔

    14-09-10 Ma Liang liked drawing very much. But he was very poor, he had no money to buy food and drinks, how could he buy a pen to draw pictures? One day, an old man with a white came to Ma Liang. He gave him a pen to draw pictures. Before leaving, he said t...

  • 核形变过程中的神奇数字

    13-11-20 A team of researchers from the RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science in Japan has demonstrated that the magic numbers 20 and 28 disappear from all neutron-rich magnesium(镁) isotopes, thereby establishing a new, larger area of nuclear...

  • 青春物语

    13-04-16 Man's youth is a wonderful thing: it is so full of anguish(痛苦) and of magic and he never comes to know it as it is, until it has gone from him forever. It is the thing he cannot bear to lose, it is the thing whose passing he watches with infinit...

  • Wanda the Fairy Godmother

    11-06-01 Wanda, the neighborhood witch, was a good witch and had been one for about 221 years. Her fondest dream was to become a fairy godmother. She had been going to the Fairy Godmother Academy for 103 years, learning fairy godmother magic: how to turn pum...

  • 美国老人创办魔法学校

    11-03-06 He is the real-life wizard headmaster giving Harry Potters Dumbledore a run for his money. 他是现实版的魔法学校校长,让哈利波特中的邓布利多校长也感到了竞争。 Spellbound: Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, 68, has opened the worlds only registered wizard academ...

  • 一巴西幼童体内发现40枚手缝针

    09-12-17 A Brazilian toddler has up to 40 sewing needles inside him, which police say were deliberately inserted by his stepfather in a black magic ritual. 一名巴西幼童体内存有多达40枚手缝针,警方称这些针是他继父在一个巫术仪式上故意插入他体内。 X-rays showed...