• do lunch 与某人会面并一起用午餐

    21-08-11 当别人问你要不要do lunch,可千万别理解为让你做饭,这个词的意思是与某人会面并一起用午餐(= have lunch together,非正式)。 例句: I was just calling to see if you wanted to do lunch tomorrow? 我就是想打来问下明天是否有时间一起吃午饭? Say, lets do lu...

  • lose one's lunch 呕吐,没胃口

    21-08-11 lose ones lunch是个美式俚语,字面意思是丢掉了午餐,实际表达是呕吐,没胃口(to throw up/vomit)。你还可以用toss ones lunch来表达觉得恶心。 例句: I felt like I was going to lose my lunch from seasickness out on that boat. 我感觉我要因为晕船恶心吐了。...

  • out to lunch 疯狂的,注意力不集中

    21-08-11 如果你想表达带某人出去吃饭,可以说take sb (out) to lunch。但out to lunch却没有这个意思,真正表达的是疯狂的,注意力不集中,心不在焉,神志不清。 例句: You must have been out to lunch when you wrote that weird report. 当你做这个奇怪的报告的时候,你一...

  • putting out fires 解决很多小的问题

    21-08-05 短语 putting out fires 通常指在工作环境中解决很多小的问题,问题虽小,但很棘手,需要在恶化前快速解决。 例句 Sorry I didnt have time to meet you for lunch today. I was busy at work all day putting out fires. Sometimes it feels like you get nothing don...

  • be more than equal to a task 游刃有余

    21-06-01 游刃有余,意思是刀刃运转于骨节空隙中,有回旋的余地(have plenty of room for the play of a cleaver);比喻技术熟练,经验丰富,解决问题丝毫不费力。可以翻译为perform a job with high skill and great ease, 或be more than equal to a task等。 例句: 他干厨...

  • pencil in 临时安排

    21-04-26 用 铅笔 pencil 写下的字可以用橡皮擦掉。短语 pencil something in 和 pencil someone in 就借用了铅笔的这个属性,它用在已知事情的安排会发生改变的情景当中,表示 草定、临时安排。 例句 Id love to see you for lunch on Friday but I may have to work. Can you...

  • 人类在21世纪的无眠夜

    21-02-27 Its early in the morning and Ive hardly caught any shuteye. My breakfast of scrambled eggs and strong coffee will keep me alert before lunch. After lunch, Ill brace myself for an afternoon of yawning and feeling cranky in the office. But Im not alon...

  • 渴望创新美味佳肴

    21-02-27 What did you eat for lunch today? Did you choose this dish because it was healthy, cheap or because it was just very tasty? Are you a fussy eater or an adventurous gourmet? I love exploring trends in food. Fusion cuisine is not for everybody. My Ita...

  • 你的午餐污染地球吗?

    21-01-02 A lunch break its an important and often necessary part of our working or school day. Its a chance to stop your tummy rumbling, grab a bite to eat and maybe chat with some friends. And now were spoilt with an array of places to buy our lunch from, a...

  • 与lunch有关的相关表达

    20-10-17 do lunch do lunch主要用于北美地区,比较口语化,是一个很流行的职场用语。它的真正意思是共进午餐,除了吃饭,还可能会讨论一些工作中的事情。 平常生活中,如果大家要说吃午饭,直接用have lunch就好。 既然do lunch不是做午饭,那做午饭怎么说呢?可以直接表达为:...