• 关于“买菜”的日常表达

    20-10-16 1买菜不是buy vegetable 为什么买菜不叫buy vegetable?如果单纯是买蔬菜,buy vegetable也是没有错的,但是你出去超市或者市场难道只买蔬菜不买瓜果肉蛋等其他类别的东西吗? 买菜的菜只是一个统称,我们可以使用grocery来表示,指小型的杂货店。在美国英语中,杂货店...

  • 八成英国人午休时间不吃饭

    20-09-14 Just one in five workers use their lunch break to actually eat every day -- with most using the time to catch up on personal errands and browse social media instead. 只有五分之一的职员每天在午休时间吃饭,大多数人都是在午休时间打理私事或刷社交媒体。...

  • 简单几招抵消久坐危害

    17-10-11 1. Avoid the treats The birthday doughnuts or the homemade chocolate cookies from colleagues may be tempting, but the experts say to avoid them at all costs. Research from the Royal College of Surgeons has shown the office cake culture, in which wor...

  • 便当常用词

    16-02-14 lunch box 便当盒 thermos 热水瓶 straw 吸管 fork 叉 knife 刀 spoon 勺 sugar packet 糖包 lid 盖子 salad 沙拉 latch 闩 yogurt 乳酪 hinge 脚链 sandwich 三明治 pepper 胡椒 napkin 餐巾 Ziploc bag 密封塑料袋 Pepper 胡椒 salt packet 盐包...

  • Mr. Ferdinand's Lunch 费迪南德先生的午餐

    15-04-07 One morning Mrs. Ferdinand said to her husband: Roger, there's a meeting at Mrs. Young's house at lunch time today, and I want to go to it. I'll leave you some food for your lunch. Is that all right? Oh, yes. Her husband answered, That's quite all r...

  • dunch 晚午餐

    14-09-25 Dunch refers to a meal enjoyed subsequent to lunch but prior to dinner, just like brunch is typically the meal between breakfast and lunch. Dunch指在午餐之后、晚餐之前吃的饭,跟早餐和午餐之间的早午餐(brunch)类似。 Dunch should be distinguished fro...

  • He mead his own lunch 午饭是他自个做的

    14-08-25 An Irishman, a Mexican and a blonde guy were doing construction work on the 30th floor of a building. The Irishman opened his lunch box and said, Corned beef and cabbage! If I get corned beef and cabbage one more time for lunch I'm going to jump off...

  • 陈光标在美国邀请弱势人群吃慈善午餐

    14-06-23 Eccentric Chinese tycoon Chen Guangbiao took out a full-page bilingual advertisement in the New York Times, inviting underprivileged Americans to a charity lunch and offering cash handouts. 中国大亨陈光标在纽约时报刊登整版双语广告,邀请美国弱势人群...

  • Hostage lunch 人质午餐

    14-04-07 Hostage lunch is meal purchased by the company, often pizza, and delivered for employees who bosses require them to attend a meeting or work over their lunch hour. 人质午餐是公司给员工买的快餐,通常是比萨,因为老板需要员工在午餐时间开会或工作。 Exam...

  • 奥巴马与希拉里在白宫共进午餐

    13-08-02 President Obama will host Hillary Rodham Clinton, his one-time campaign foe who later served as his secretary of state, at lunch Monday at the White House. 美国总统奥巴马将于当地时间29日与前国务卿希拉里克林顿在白宫共进午餐。 Obama and Clinton will m...