11-05-29 精彩对白 James: Here, man. Have a hit. Sanborn: I'm not ready to die, James. James: Well, you're not going to die out here , bro. Sanborn: Another two inches. Shrapnel zings by , slices my throat. I bleed out like a pig in the sand. Nobody'll give a...
11-05-25 Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind. It is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple(柔软的) knees. It is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep spring of li...
11-04-15 In love and marriage Gemini men have the contrast of mild affections(喜爱,感情) and sensual passions. The two qualities, within this sign, have little in common. As a lover, the native is arch, flirtatious(轻浮的) , teasing and boyish. He is se...
11-04-11 Yesterday Charles met his old schoolmate Joe and congratulated him on his recent marriage. When Charles asked about the difference between a fiancee(未婚妻) and a wife, he said, When she was my fiancee, I saw only a part of her. When she is my wif...
11-04-07 影片对白 Green: Selling a diamond to a woman is like making her fall in love. She has to feel giddy , desirous, adventurous, and desperate. Spears: Take a look around this room, Phillip. Most of the women in this bar are looking for just that. Ben:...
11-03-25 Slight unpremeditated Words are borne By every common Wind into the Air; Carelessly utter'd, die as soon as born, And in one instant give both Hope and Fear: Breathing all Contraries with the same Wind According to the Caprice of the Mind. But Bille...
11-03-25 I like the subtle fresh green budding from the branches of the tree -- the herald(先驱) of spring, ushering in(领进) the dawn... I like the subtle flow of cloud that makes the sky seem even more vast, azure(蔚蓝的) and immense... I like the su...
11-03-24 Smiles send us light in the darkness. Smiles bring us warm sunlight on a cold winter day. Smiles can break the hard ice. Smiles are like the rainbow. The rainy days end and the sky is beautiful again. 微笑在黑暗中给我们送来光明。微笑在寒冷的冬日带给...
11-03-15 Morris complained to his friend Irving, that love making with his wife was becoming routine and boring. Get creative Morris. Break up the monotony(单调) . Why don't you try 'playing doctor' for an hour? That's what I do, said Irving. Sounds great,...
11-03-12 The three-year glitch has replaced the seven-year itch as the tipping point where couples start to take each other for granted, according to a new survey. 根据一项新调查,三年之痒已经取代七年之痒成为情侣间关系的转折点,这时候情侣们会开始不那么重视对...