• suffer a big loss for a little gain 因小失大

    22-03-23 因小失大,汉语成语,字面意思是lose a great deal through trying to save a little,比喻为了小的利益而失去大的利益,得不偿失,可以翻译为suffer a big loss for a little gain或 lose the main goal because of small gains。 例句: 我们不能因小失大。 We cant...

  • the loss outweighs the gain 得不偿失

    22-03-22 得不偿失,汉语成语,意思是所得的利益抵偿不了所受的损失。可以翻译为one is losing more than one is gaining或the loss outweighs the gain等。 例句: 这次交易会得不偿失。 The trade fair was not worth the cost....

  • 迷惑 下

    22-02-28 6. befuddled 迷惑的;糊涂的 fuddle有酗酒的意思,所以befuddled多表示因为喝酒而导致大脑昏昏沉沉。 Im so tired, my poor befuddled brain cant absorb any more. 我太累了,可怜的大脑昏昏沉沉的,再也记不住任何东西了。 7. disoriented 迷路的,迷失的 -oriented...

  • 吃亏

    21-11-15 在汉语中有许多与吃有关的有趣表达,例如,吃醋(be jealous of)、吃土(dirt-poor),吃惊(be surprised)。今天我们再来学习一个十分常见的与吃有关的词语吃亏。 吃亏,可以表示受到损失(suffer losses),常见表达如占小便宜吃大亏(gain petty advantages only...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 32

    21-03-17 Mrs. Elton was first seen at church: but though devotion might be interrupted, curiosity could not be satisfied by a bride in a pew, and it must be left for the visits in form which were then to be paid, to settle whether she were very pretty indeed...