• 跑鞋价格越高 评价越低

    15-12-02 Your choice of running shoe is a very personal decision. You've got to balance how well they protect your feet and legs with how they fit, how heavy they are and, yes, even how they look. 选择跑鞋是个私人决定。你要平衡鞋子对脚的保护,和裤子是不是搭...

  • 小儿辩日

    15-11-10 Once, Confucius went to the east to advocate his ideas. On the way he met two children arguing hotly with each other. Confucius asked: Children, what are you arguing about? One child said: I think when the sun rises from the hills, it is nearer to u...

  • 男性更希望女性以素颜示人

    15-10-13 Millions of women apply foundation, lipstick and mascara every morning, many in the mistaken belief that this will make them look attractive to men. 每天早晨,数百万的女性都要打粉底、抹口红、刷睫毛膏。她们误以为,妆画得美美的才能吸引异性的眼光。 But...

  • 日本最新化妆潮流 宿醉妆

    15-08-16 Hangover beauty is the latest make up trend sweeping the country, achieved by applying blush under the eyes and wet-look hair. 宿醉妆是红遍日本的最新化妆潮流,眼下涂上腮红,再加上湿润亮泽的头发就成了。 The end result is a sickly, dishevelled appeara...

  • Nineteen Eighty-Four 一九八四 Part 1, Chapter 7

    15-08-04 If there is hope, wrote Winston, it lies in the proles. If there was hope, it must lie in the proles, because only there in those swarming disregarded masses, 85 per cent of the population of Oceania, could the force to destroy the Party ever be gen...

  • 寻找和自己长相酷似的人

    15-06-24 They say we all have seven doppelgngers living across the globe and most of us will never meet our 'twin strangers'. 有人说,每个人都拥有七个和自己长相酷似的人,生活在世界的某个地方。但是,我们大多数人都不会和自己的孪生陌生人相遇。 But one woman, wh...

  • Frog and Bullock 蛤蟆和牯牛

    15-01-06 A frog that watched a bullock grazing near resolved she'd try her best to match his girth and height. She was an envious frog. See how she puffs and swells and strains with all her might. Come, tell me, quickly dear, am I as big as he? she asks a fr...

  • 吕布与貂蝉

    14-12-18 Following the interlocking stratagems they had laid, Wang Yun betrothed his step daughter Diao Chan to Lv Bu, then, to sow discord between the two, presented the girl to Dong Zhou as a concubine. Lv Bu was furious, and each time he met Diao Chan, th...

  • 卷发波波头受众女星青睐

    14-11-16 According to celebrity hairstylist Edward Tricomi, the wavy hairstyle, which is favored by the likes of Jennifer Lawrence, Beyonc and Taylor Swift, has seen many long-time fans of the lob giving their hairstyle an update and adding a bit of bounce a...

  • mom look 老妈表情

    14-11-11 Mom look is the look you get when your boyfriend/girlfriend introduces you to their mom and you see the look of disapproval in her eyes. Mom look指你男/女朋友把你介绍给他/她妈妈时,你从对方妈妈脸上看到的不满的表情和眼神。我们称为老妈表情。 For examp...