• 你的胡须展现了你的个性吗?

    21-02-27 I have a problem. Im trying to grow a beard but Im not sure if it suits me! This hairy attachment to mens faces has been very fashionable in the UK for a while. But now mine is finally sprouting, I wonder if I have missed the boat. Perhaps this is n...

  • look up to someone 敬仰、敬重某人

    21-01-31 搭配 look up to someone 的意思是 尊重、敬仰某人。人们 look up to 的对象通常比自己年长或更有经验。 例句 Shes the best player and has just been made captain, so of course all the other players in the team look up to her. 她是最棒的运动员,而且刚刚被任...

  • take on an entirely new look 焕然一新

    21-01-02 焕然一新,汉语成语,意思是改变陈旧的面貌,呈现出崭新的样子。通常形容出现了崭新的面貌。可以翻译为take on an entirely new look,acquire a completely new look。 例句: 经过翻修,我们的教学楼面貌焕然一新。 After renovation, our classroom building has ta...

  • 小心、留神

    20-12-22 1. Look out! 当心! 搭配look out的意思并不是向外看。在口语会话中,人们用它来告知他人有危险,所以应当心、小心。 2. Dont do that! 别那样做! 如果看到他人正在做很危险的事情,那么就可以用这句话来直白地告诉他人别那样做。 3. Be careful! 小心点! 形容词car...

  • behave yourself 好自为之

    20-11-29 好自为之,意思是自己妥善处置,自己看着办,大多数时候用于劝诫、警告他人。可以翻译为look out for oneself,behave yourself。也可以用Its your funeral表示,指you think someone is wrong by insisting on doing something in a particular way, but that they wi...

  • Look on the bright side 往好处想,看到好的一面

    20-10-26 动词短语 look on the bright side 可以用来描述某人试图从一个消极的情况中看到积极的一面。这个短语多用来表达某人拥有积极乐观人生态度。Look on the bright side 也可以简写为 on the bright side。 例句 My old bike got stolen, but on the bright side, the ins...

  • 用英语来夸人美

    20-10-17 1. Youre drop-dead gorgeous. 你简直美成仙了。 合成副词drop-dead的字面意思是惊人地,它通常用于形容词前,表示非常地、极其地。这里,drop-dead gorgeous强调被称赞的那个人美得让人神魂颠倒。 2. You look ravishing. 你看起来光彩照人。 形容词ravishing在描述人...

  • 你真上相!

    20-10-15 1. You look great on camera! 你很上镜! 搭配on camera的意思是在镜头前,影片中或照片上,所以这句话可以用来称赞他人很上镜。 2. You are very photogenic. 你非常上相。 这里用到了形容词photogenic,它通常用来指某人在照片中或影片中很好看,也就是平时说的上镜...

  • Little Women - Chapter 21

    20-09-28 Jos face was a study next day, for the secret rather weighed upon her, and she found it hard not to look mysterious and important. Meg observed it, but did not trouble herself to make inquiries, for she had learned that the best way to manage Jo was...

  • have a worried look 愁眉苦脸

    20-09-17 愁眉苦脸,汉语成语,意思是皱着眉头,哭丧着脸(wear a long face with knitted eyebrows)。形容愁苦的神色(a woebegone expression [appearance])。可以翻译为 have a worried look ; wear a woebegone appearance; with a sad look。 例句: 你为什么一副愁眉苦...