• like ships that pass in the night 一面之缘,擦肩而过

    21-07-08 表达 like ships that pass in the night 用来形容 两个人在为数不多的短暂碰面之后,再也无缘相见,就好比夜晚交错而过的两只船一样。人们也会用这个表达来感叹 似乎总是与某人擦肩而过,比如,两个家庭成员总是没有机会在同一时间出现在同一地点。 这个表达也可以被...

  • 近义词like和as

    21-05-21 单词like和as都可以表示相似的意思,但在使用中它们是有区别的。想要表示外貌相似,应该用哪个词?在描述一个人的身份、职业时,又该用哪个词? 用法总结 1 Like作介词时可修饰名词或代词,描述人或物像,与...相似。 He ran like the wind. This house looks like a c...

  • all together和altogether

    21-05-20 All together 是两个词,而 altogether 却是一个词 它们的意思和用法相同吗?表示 所有人或事物一起、一同 的时候应该用哪一个?表示 全然,完全 的时候又该用哪个? 用法总结 1 All together 由两个词组成,用来表示 所有人或物一起、一同。 Lets sing all together....

  • 与lunch有关的相关表达

    20-10-17 do lunch do lunch主要用于北美地区,比较口语化,是一个很流行的职场用语。它的真正意思是共进午餐,除了吃饭,还可能会讨论一些工作中的事情。 平常生活中,如果大家要说吃午饭,直接用have lunch就好。 既然do lunch不是做午饭,那做午饭怎么说呢?可以直接表达为:...

  • 《博物馆奇妙夜3》精彩语句

    17-04-27 1. New Yorks glitterati have all turned out... for what has promised to be a memorable evening... filled with the dazzling special effects... and technical wizardry. 今晚纽约名流齐聚一堂,注定将是个令人难忘的夜晚,这里有令人眼花缭乱的特效和精彩的魔...

  • 生气的时候常用的一些句子

    17-04-19 I cant take you any more! 我再也受不了你啦! I hate you! 我讨厌你! Im telling you for the last time! 我最后再告诉你一次! What do you want? 你想怎么样? Dont look at me like that. 别那样看着我。 What did you say? 你说什么? You are out of your mind...

  • Zen Sarcasm 1

    16-08-23 1. Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me the hell alone. 2. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt and leaky tire. 3....

  • likebait 求赞帖

    15-05-11 Likebait , or like-bait, is web content which is specifically intended to make Facebook users click the 'Like' button associated with it providing content of any value. 求赞帖指专门设计用来让Facebook用户点赞的网页内容,其本身无任何实际价值。 Bait是...

  • easy like 点赞狂人

    14-10-15 An easy like gives up their likes almost indiscriminately. Typically they will like almost any post you make, regardless of how mundane or unlikeworthy it actually was. 一般来说,点赞狂人点赞无国界,他们对每一个东西都点赞,不管他们是否无聊或值得点赞...

  • 《天生一对》四

    13-07-22 精彩对白 Chessy: You got something you want to share with the class, there, Hal? Annie: Chessy, you--you gave me a fright . Chessy: I gave you a fright? Annie: You scared me. I didn't know you were like-- like in here. Chessy: Are you sure there isn...