• 《机器人总动员》第3章

    22-12-14 WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WALL Es charge-meter light flashed at a dangerously low level the next morning. Mmrrr, WALL E groaned. It was hard to wake up! Still groggy, he made his way outside and crawled up a ramp of trash to the top of his truck. O...

  • “无痛早起”攻略请查收

    22-12-09 人人都知道,早睡早起有益健康,但现实却是:睡眼惺忪、忙乱不堪成了很多人的常态,消耗着我们的精气神。在寒冷的冬天,早早离开温暖的被窝的确需要强大的意志力。为此,我们特意整理一份无痛早起攻略,请早起困难户们查收~ 1. Seek out as much natural light as poss...

  • 年末回顾时可以用到的英语表达

    22-10-28 临近年底,正是总结经验和展望未来的好时机。你会使用恰当的语言来向别人描述你的经历吗?如何用英语感叹时间过得飞快,一瞬即逝? 1. At the end of the year its a good time to __________ the year and __________ on your actions. a) look back on, reflect b) l...

  • 一些安眠小技巧

    22-09-09 ① 睡前少看电子产品 Reduce blue light exposure in the evening 手机、笔记本电脑和电视发出的蓝光会影响你的昼夜节律,让你的大脑误以为还是白天。同时,蓝光的刺激会使褪黑激素等帮助你放松和进入深度睡眠的激素减少。所以,建议至少在睡前一小时就放下电子产品。...

  • 《头脑特工队》第16章

    22-09-06 Chapter 16 There go the core memories, Joy whispered to Sadness. The guards opened the heavy door and a spooky light spilled out along with the frightening sounds of thunder, howling, screaming, roars, and circus music. I cant go in there. Im scared...

  • 各种雨的表达-单词类

    22-06-21 1.毛毛雨:drizzle / mizzle 雨水指数: 2.小雨:light rain 雨水指数: 3.大雨:heavy rain 雨水指数: 4.暴雨:downpour / torrential rain 雨水指数: 5.暴风雨:storm, tempest 雨水指数: 6.雷雨:thunderstorm 雨水指数:...

  • 相对固定的量词搭配——自然

    22-05-26 a stretch of field 一片原野 a bolt of lightning 一道闪电 a flood of moonlight 一片月光 a beam of light 一束光线 a layer of rock 一层岩石 a cloud of smoke 一团烟雾 a blade of grass 一片草叶 a block of wood 一块木头 a thin coat of ice 一层薄冰 a gust...

  • 10句可能触动你的美剧台词

    22-05-23 1. Whatever the future brings, you are my light. 不管未来如何,你都是我的光。《风中的女王》 2. You are a grown-up. There comes a point in time that you got to take control of your own life. 你是成年人了,你总要开始学会掌控自己的人生。《无耻之徒》 3....

  • 有关make的习语和表达 6

    22-05-10 21.make light of something to joke about something serious 不在乎、轻视某事 I think you need to make light of the whole situation. What good does it do to worry so much? 我觉得你不用把整个形势看得太重了,有什么好担心的? They made light of the mista...

  • in the light of this 鉴于此

    22-05-07 in the light of this 鉴于此 In the light of this, she wondered whether you might consider staying on in a new role. 鉴于此,她想知道你能否重新考虑以一个新职务留下来。 Notes:in the light of 表示根据某种情况,鉴于此,同义的还有一个单词given .例如: I...