• LED光线会降低液体奶的质量

    16-06-10 Got LED light? Display cases and grocery stores increasingly do, and thats bad news for milk drinkers. Cornell University researchers in the Department of Food Science found that exposure to light-emitting diode (LED) sources for even a few hours de...

  • 跟雪有关的词汇

    16-06-02 sleet 雨夹雪 snowdrift 雪堆 snow shower 阵雪 light snow 小雪 flurry 阵雪/小雪 blizzard 大风雪 snowstorm 暴风雪 blowing snow 高吹雪 drifting snow 低吹雪/飘雪 heavy snow 大雪 snowfall 降雪 snowflake 雪花 snow-covered 积雪覆盖的 snow-capped 山顶部被雪...

  • 七个窍门助你早上起床

    16-05-17 In a new video from AsapScience, the researchers reveal seven tips to help you wake up in the morning - and none of them involve caffeine. 在秒懂科普网一个新上传的视频上,研究者揭示了七个窍门,助你早上起床,没有一个是带咖啡因的。 To start, the video...

  • Thick Description

    16-05-17 Thick Description Eleanor Chai I cut lines of ink as I read through the night. I imagine the margins on pages are slim wings between plankton and stars. I find what I need in far sources. I make them intimate, I make them mine with the speed of ligh...

  • A pair of honeymooners 蜜月新人

    16-05-12 A pair of honeymooners checked into the Watergate Hotel in Washington, D. C. That night, as the husband was about to turn off the light, his bride asked, Do you think this room is bugged? That was a long time ago, sweet-heart, he reassured her. But...

  • Smart Student 聪明的学生

    16-05-06 Teacher: Name some of Thomas Edisons contributions to science. Students: If it werent for Edison, wed all be watching television by candle light. 老师:列举一些托马斯 爱迪生对科学的贡献。 学生:如果没有爱迪生的话,我们就只能点着蜡烛看电视了。...

  • The Halo

    16-04-05 The Halo C. Dale Young In the paintings left to us by the Old Masters, the halo, a smallish cloud of light, clung to the head, carefully framed the faces of mere mortals made divine. Accident? My body launched by a cars incalculable momentum? It end...

  • Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 - Chapter 26

    16-03-17 The old man had gained the street corner, before he began to recover the effect of Toby Crackit's intelligence. He had relaxed nothing of his unusual speed; but was still pressing onward, in the same wild and disordered manner, when the sudden dashi...

  • 牙科诊所常用词

    16-02-04 x-ray machine x光机 Sink 水槽 overhead light 顶灯 towel 毛巾 Paper cup 纸杯 section hose 节管 Dental chair 牙科手术椅 Mirror 镜子 Tools 工具 Tray 托盘 Drill 钻子 Toothbrush 牙刷 Dentures 假牙 Mold 模子 Teeth 牙齿 Dental floss 牙线...

  • In-law

    16-01-13 In-law Tara Bray The cries of the killdeer agitate like demons delicate and ruthless, the bird ten steps ahead in harsh light, the wheat soft and green, thoughtless heads at the mercy of the wind. A pheasant hunkers down in dust, its splendor tucked...