• Shining light in dark corners

    10-05-17 黑暗似乎具有能够遮断一切光明的魔力。但是人类对于光明的向往是永远也不可能被阻断的。镜子容易破碎,但是破碎的镜片依然能反射出完好的阳光。是光或者不是光也罢,重要的是要尽自己所能来反射光明,虽然微弱,也能驱走黑暗。 Dr.Papaderos, what is the meaning of l...

  • 静夜思

    10-05-07 静夜思 - 李白 床前明月光, 疑是地上霜。 举头望明月, 低头思故乡。 Thoughts in the Silent Night --- Li Bai Beside my bed a pool of light--- Is it hoarfrost on the ground? I lift my eyes and see the moon, I bend my head and think of home....

  • 天文学家揭开猫掌星云呈红色之谜

    10-04-22 Towards the heart of the Milky Way, 5500 light-years from Earth in the constellation(星座,荟萃) of Scorpius (the Scorpion), the Cat's Paw Nebula stretches across 50 light-years. In visible light, gas and dust are illuminated(照明,启发) by hot...

  • 天文学家首次近距离观测柱一座暗伴星

    10-04-08 For the first time, astronomers have directly observed the mysterious dark companion in a binary star(双子星) system that has puzzled skywatchers since the 19th century. Using an instrument developed at the University of Michigan, scientists have...

  • Gum 19恒星形成星云的亮面与暗面

    10-04-01 Gum 19 is located in the direction of the constellation(星座,荟萃) Vela (the Sail) at a distance of approximately 22 000 light years. The Gum 19 moniker(绰号,名字) derives from(源于,来自) a 1955 publication by the Australian astrophysicist...

  • 德国科学家研制出三维“隐形斗篷”

    10-03-27 German scientists have created a three-dimensional invisibility cloak that can hide objects by bending light waves. 德国科学家近日研制出一种通过弯曲光线来隐藏物体的三维隐形斗篷。 An image of invisibility cloak in Harry Potter. German scientists have...

  • 研究解释光使偏头痛加剧的原因

    10-01-11 Ask anyone who suffers from migraine headaches偏头痛 what they do when they're having an attack, and you're likely to hear go into a dark room. And although it's long been known that light makes migraines worse, the reason why has been unclear. Now...

  • 黄光、蓝光可使脑细胞进入休眠

    10-01-07 Neuroscientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a powerful new class of tools to reversibly可逆地 shut down brain activity using different colors of light. When targeted to specific neurons神经原 , they could potentially...

  • 哈勃望远镜揭开未曾呈现的宇宙画面

    09-12-09 In 2004, Hubble created the Hubble Ultra Deep Field哈勃超深场 (HUDF), the deepest visible-light image of the Universe, and now, with its brand-new camera, Hubble is seeing even farther. This image was taken in the same region as the visible HUDF, bu...

  • 研究:将光能发挥到极致

    09-11-13 Scientists at the University of Adelaide have made a breakthrough that could change the world's thinking on what light is capable of. The researchers in the University's new Institute for Photonics Advanced Sensing (IPAS) have discovered that light...