• 火星上曾有生命存在吗?

    22-11-28 美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的毅力号(Perseverance)漫游探测器在火星的任务迎来了一个重要时刻。 This is the sound of Nasas Perseverance rover hard at work on the surface of the Red Planet. It landed on Mars 15 months ago. Since then, its been on the mo...

  • 用动物氧气面罩从大火中救出猫咪

    22-11-28 一只从大火中救出的猫成为伦敦第一只使用特制动物氧气面罩的宠物。消防人员扑灭了大火,救出了两只猫,并给其中一只戴上了氧气面罩。 London Fire Brigade say human lives are always the priority, but that owners will often put themselves in danger to save the...

  • 2022年宇航领域科学问题和技术难题

    22-11-26 11月21日,2022年中国航天大会在海南省海口市开幕。会上,受中国航天大会学术委员会委托,中国科学院院士、中国航天科技集团有限公司研究发展部部长王巍以视频形式发布了2022年宇航领域科学问题和技术难题。 Chinese space scientists and engineers published 10 scie...

  • 新年夜会用到的英语表达

    22-10-28 每年的12月31日在西方被称为New Years Eve 新年前夜。 1. On New Years Eve, it is common for people to make plans to change their life for the better. What question can you ask your friends to find out if they have made these kind of plans? a) Have you...

  • 中华人民共和国未成年人保护法:第四章——社会保护

    22-10-26 第四章 社会保护 CHAPTER IV PROTECTION BY THE SOCIETY 第二十条 国家鼓励社会团体、企业事业组织和其他组织及公民,开展多种形式的有利于未成年人健康成长的社会活动。 Article 20 The State shall encourage social organizations, enterprises, institutions and o...

  • 拳击少女Ritika Singh:千万不要忽视学业(下)

    22-10-25 And I also believe that in life, no matter what you do every day, give you 100% because you never know whats coming for you. 我也相信,在生活中,无论你每天做什么,都要百分百地投入,因为你永远不知道会发生什么。 You never know whats the next step. Rig...

  • 结识新朋友

    22-10-24 很多人说,因为有了朋友生活才更为精彩。不过如何迈出交友的第一步,以得体的英语表达方式去和陌生人沟通呢?《英语小测验》来助你一臂之力! 1. When meeting new people you can ask questions about their lives. Like this: Where were you __________? a) brought...

  • 英语中冠词的运用

    22-10-24 英语冠词 a,an,the 在语句中无处不在,它们的用法看似简单其实不然。《英语小测验》挑战你的英语语法: 1. Which article should we use here? a) a b) an c) the d) no article 2. For me the most important thing in my life is ____ love of my family. a) a b)...

  • 吃辣能延长寿命和减肥

    22-10-24 近日,吃辣对身体究竟会有什么影响登上热搜,引发网友们的热烈讨论。 There are few things in the food world that evoke stronger opinions than spices like peppers and chilies. 麻婆豆腐、麻辣火锅、辣子鸡......这些美味的菜肴对于无辣不欢派来说,馋得让人流口...

  • 完成时态

    22-10-19 1. All my life _________ to study abroad and have new experiences. a) I have wanted b) I am wanting c) I will have wanted d) I want 2. Before she visited the UK, she _________ an English person face to face. a) has never met b) has never been met c)...